Rainbow Bridge

Be part of the planetary network from your home.

9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality


Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.


NERVOUS May 30th SUMMARY The text discusses the importance of the nervous system, whichconnects us with the very essence of life. From breathing to emotions,everything is woven into this network of neurons that exchangeinformation through synapses. It invites us to see the body as a divinemanifestation, where the spirit intertwines with the physical. Theessence of […]


SKELETAL May 29 SUMMARY In this dialogue between “I” and “AM”, Matías reflects on theimportance of bones in the human body, relating them to the fundamentalstructure of life and the need to find a balance between the rigidity ofstructures and the flexibility of movement. Through analogies withsociety and life itself, he invites us to honor […]


MUSCULAR May 28 SUMMARY In the dialogue between “I” and “AM,” Matías delves into the natureand function of muscles, leading the conversation towards deeperreflections on the interconnectedness of all forms of life and theimportance of recognizing each one’s place in the whole. The analogy ofmuscles as a metaphor for human society highlights the need forcollaboration […]


REPRODUCTIVE – SKIN May 27 SUMMARY Matías explores the concept of taboo from its Polynesian roots to itsevolution in European culture, highlighting how certain topics,especially those related to spirituality and sexuality, have beenconsidered forbidden or inappropriate in different cultural contexts. Heexamines ancient myths and how the perception of genitals has variedover time, from being considered […]


EXCRETORY May 26 SUMMARY The dialogue between “I” and “I AM” explores the depth and connectionbetween the digestive and excretory systems from a spiritualperspective. Through metaphors and analogies, reflection is made on howthe human body processes and releases what it no longer needs, both on aphysical and emotional/mental level. The importance of recognizing andaccepting the […]


DIGESTIVE May 25 SUMMARY In the dialogue between Matías and I AM, the relationship between thedigestive system and obtaining energy for the human body, as well as itsconnection with the universe, is deeply explored. Through simplemetaphors and a spiritual vision, it is illustrated how the process ofdigestion is an initiatory journey to one’s essence and […]


CIRCULATORY – LYMPHATIC May 24 SUMMARY In the interaction between “I” and “I AM,” the depth and spiritualconnection between the human body and its internal systems, especiallythe Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems, are revealed. Through poeticanalogy, the heart is presented as the center of existence, driving theflow of life and energy through every cell of the […]


IMMUNE – RESPIRATORY May 23 SUMMARY Matías invites us to reflect on the spiritual and vital essence ofbreathing in our daily lives. He reminds us that the act of breathing,beyond being an automatic biological function, is a mirror of universalprocesses, connecting the microcosm of the human being with themacrocosm. Breathing not only sustains physical life […]


ENDOCRINE May 22 SUMMARY Matías teaches us to see our body as a reflection of the cosmos,where each organ is a portal between our material being and universalenergy. This approach transforms our perception of ourselves, remindingus that we are custodians of a sacred temple that houses the spirit ofthe universe, with the power to influence […]


TEMPLE May 21 SUMMARY The text unveils a spiritual conversation that explores theconnection between the physical and the divine, using Egypt and the godPtah as central examples. It teaches us that the temples along the Nileare reflections of the heavens, each one an organ of the divine body.Similarly, we are shown that our body is […]

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