May 18
This dialogue delves into the perception of reality through theobservation of constant movement in the universe and how it defines ourtangible experience of the world. Matías and his interlocutor explorethe idea that everything is in constant motion, although we perceive itas static due to the limitations of human perception. They discuss howobjects large and small, from astronomical precessions to subatomicparticles, move in frequencies that escape our direct vision. Throughthis metaphor, the text advocates for a deeper understanding of ourenvironment and ourselves as part of a cosmos in constanttransformation. This perspective invites reflection on the ephemeralnature of existence and how, like the matter surrounding us, we too arein a perpetual flow of change and development, urging a life lived withawareness of our insertion into a dynamic and living fabric.
“You are the architect of your own existence, and you can redesignyour life.”
Meditation on the transformation of matter:
Dedicate a few minutes each day to meditate on the constanttransformation of everything around you. Sit in a quiet place andvisualize a common object in your home, such as a cup or a mirror.Imagine its history, from its original form in nature to its currentstate. Reflect on how each object is the result of countlesstransformations and consider how this perspective can be applied to yourown life and the constant change that characterizes it.
Meditation on the architecture of the universe:
Use meditation time to reflect on the patterns and fundamentalstructures of the universe, as mentioned in your text (tetrahedron,hexahedron, etc.). Visualize these forms in your mind, think about theirconnection to everything that exists. This practice can help you feel adeeper connection to the order of the universe and may offer a newperspective on how every part of your life is interconnected.