July 6, 2021
Matías reflects on the imminent end of his daily connections journey,feeling a mix of nostalgia and the desire to move forward. In Giza, hehas found a home and a place for introspection and art but also feelsthe weight of his mission and the expectations surrounding him. Despitelonging for peace and freedom, he feels trapped by responsibilities andfuture pressures. By confronting his deepest emotions, including rage,guilt, and contempt for humanity, Matías realizes that these feelingsare an integral part of his purpose and evolution. He understands thathe must release these emotions, face them without judgment, andrecognize that they are the driving force behind his spiritual growth.Only then can he navigate with freedom and clarity toward his true selfand purpose.
“I take all the emotional waste living inside me to release it intothe purposeless bay.”
Detachment Meditation
Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted.
Sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes.
Begin to breathe deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhalingthrough your mouth.
Visualize a river flowing through you, carrying away all negativeemotions and thoughts you are attached to.
As you exhale, imagine each breath releasing these thoughts andfeelings, taking them away in the river.
Repeat mentally: “I let go of what no longer serves me. I releaseattachment to my ideas and emotions.”
Inner Home Meditation
Find a comfortable and relaxing space to sit.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply several times.
Imagine a peaceful forest with rivers, a lake, and a cozy house. Thisplace is your inner refuge, your home.
Visualize yourself in this place, feeling the peace and tranquilityit brings you.
Repeat mentally: “I find my home within. Here I am at peace and inharmony.”
Acceptance and Release Meditation
Find a quiet place and sit comfortably.
Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, focusing on thepresent.
Allow any negative emotion or difficult thought to emerge withoutresistance.
Imagine these emotions as leaves on the surface of a lake. Observehow they float away slowly.
Repeat mentally: “I accept my emotions without judgment. I let themgo with love and compassion.”