9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality


Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.




The Thyroid gland and the throat chakra are related to the expression and development of the body. Balance in their functioning is key to growth. The throat chakra allows us to hear our own truth and find harmony between expressing ourselves and listening to others. In a world full of information, it is important to find balance and learn in order to develop in harmony with ourselves and others. Freeing ourselves from external fears and judgments allows us to create our reality and be authentic.



“Learning is the key to the door of expression.”



  1. Balance Meditation: Sit in a quiet place and bring your attention to your breath. Visualize a flow of energy harmoniously moving from your Thyroid gland to your throat chakra. Imagine how this energy balances your capacity for expression and inner listening. Breathe deeply and repeat silently: “I find balance in my expression and inner listening.”
  2. Release Meditation: Find a moment of solitude and silence. Close your eyes and focus on your throat. Imagine that you are releasing all the emotions, thoughts, and unspoken words that have been weighing you down. Feel how that stagnant energy dissipates and flows outward. Breathe deeply and repeat silently: “I release the unsaid words and open myself to authentic expression.”
  3. Conscious Listening Meditation: Choose a moment during the day to practice conscious listening. Whether it’s during a conversation, while listening to music, or when you’re in contact with nature, focus on listening attentively. Observe your own internal responses, judgments, and emotions that arise while listening. As you become more aware of your own listening process, you develop a deeper connection with yourself and others.
  4. Inner Learning Meditation: Before you start your day or at its end, sit in silence and reflect on something new you’ve recently learned. It could be an idea, a skill, or even a different perspective. Allow yourself to integrate that learning into your being and visualize how it helps you grow and develop. Breathe deeply and repeat silently: “Through learning, I pave the way for a fuller expression of myself.”


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