Matias explores the nature of God and the relationship betweendivinity and humanity. God is seen as a luminous energy essential forexistence and movement. Divinity manifests in every action and everybeing, transcending religions and beliefs. The true essence of Godresides in movement and action, and all gods and goddesses are differentaspects of the same divine light. Being aware of this divinity involvesrecognizing that we are all part of God and that our actions have thepower to transform the world.
“To become aware of Divine Consciousness is to recognize that thereis not just one God, but that all gods and goddesses are One.”
Meditation on Inner Light
Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and take several deepbreaths.
Visualize a bright light in the center of your chest, radiatingwarmth and peace.
With each inhalation, feel this light expanding, filling your entirebody.
Repeat mentally: “I am light, I am divinity. My essence is movementand action.”
Maintain this visualization and affirmation for 10-15 minutes.