In the dialogue between “I” and “AM,” the spiritual and cosmic natureof being is explored, starting from the initial perception of light andits dance in the void to the understanding of the eighth dimension as agenerator of data and possibilities. It is discussed how connection withthis dimension allows the individual to create their destiny and build anew time, all through the opening of the Akashic Records, which containthe essence of all things in the universe. Connection with the eighthdimension is suggested as a process of opening up to memory andintuition, guided by love and spiritual quintessence, thus allowing theexpansion of being towards all possible times and spaces.
“I: The Network where everything is found… Thamthiorgah… theUniversal Library.”
Universal Network Meditation: Imagine an ethereal network thatconnects everything in the universe. Visualize how you are connected tothis network and how energies flow through you. Feel how this connectionprovides you with a sense of unity and belonging.
Akashic Records Meditation: Imagine an infinite library full of bookscontaining all past, present, and future experiences. Visualize yourselfexploring this library and connecting with universal wisdom. Allowanswers and insights to come to you intuitively.