In this dialogue between Matías and his conscience, the spiritual andhuman significance behind the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is explored. Theidea of empathy is highlighted as key to understanding and sharing thesuffering of others, as well as the concept of sacrifice understood as asacred act of service. Reflection is made on how Jesus’ messagetranscended cultures and marked an era, promoting unity andcompassionate love among human beings. Ultimately, there is aninvitation to adopt a new understanding of empathy, where suffering isnot necessary to make sacrifice, but rather the connection and unitywith all beings are recognized as part of the human experience.
“Nothing is a duty. Everything is a service.”
Reminder of Inner Being: Dedicate a few minutes each day to repeat aphrase or mantra that connects you with your spiritual essence, such as”I am your child” or “Atteh Eyeh.” Do this in a quiet place and focus onfeeling the connection with your inner being.
Practice of Empathy: During your meditation, visualize people who aregoing through difficult times. Imagine their emotions and tell yourself:”I am capable of feeling the pain of others.” Practice thisvisualization regularly to strengthen your ability to empathize.