Matías reminds us that the seeds, the true purpose of the fruits, arewhat we should value in life. While fruits nourish and sustain the seed,humans often focus on consuming these fruits, seeking immediate rewardsfrom their actions. However, wisdom lies in understanding that truetranscendence comes from planting new seeds for future cycles. Thisperspective, which differentiates the conscious human mind from theunconscious animal mind, invites us to look beyond immediate needs andcultivate the essence of our being by planting intentions and purposesthat transcend the present moment.
“While the animal mind seeks to obtain fruits, the human mind seeksto obtain new seeds to begin a new cycle.”
Detachment from the Fruit Meditation:
Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes.
Visualize an action you recently performed and the fruit you expectedto receive from it.
Imagine letting go of that fruit, releasing any expectation orattachment.
Stay in this visualization for a few minutes, repeating anaffirmation like, “I release attachment to the outcome. I act with pureintention and detachment.”
Tree of Life Meditation:
Find a quiet place and close your eyes.
Visualize a large tree with deep roots and extensive branches.
Each fruit on the tree represents an action you have performed; eachseed within those fruits represents the potential for newbeginnings.
Reflect on how each action and its fruit are interconnected and formpart of a larger cycle.
Feel the unity and wholeness of being part of this tree of life.