June 27, 2021
Life is not about waiting for an eternal rest after effort but aboutseeing every moment as an opportunity to innovate and create. Bystopping the projection of our expectations into an intangible futureand taking responsibility for our actions, we find power in the present.History is not just the past; it is a continuous testimony of wisdomthat lives within us and guides us. By knowing ourselves andunderstanding our historical context, we empower ourselves toconsciously build our own story, understanding that each action anddecision is part of an eternal process of learning and growth.
“You are History, and therefore you are alive, building thefuture.”
Constant Innovation Meditation
Find a quiet place. Sit in a comfortable position with your backstraight and your hands resting in your lap.
Close your eyes. Breathe deeply several times, inhaling through yournose and exhaling through your mouth.
Imagine that each breath brings a new idea, a new beginning.Visualize a landscape that changes and evolves with each inhalation andexhalation.
Mentally repeat, “Life is a constant process of innovation. I embracechange and novelty with each step I take.”
Remain in this meditation for 10-15 minutes, allowing the feeling ofrenewal and change to fill you.
Wise Observer Meditation
Sit in a place where you will not be disturbed.
Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, relaxing eachpart of your body.
Imagine that you are a wise observer, viewing your life from anelevated perspective. Observe the events of your life as parts of alarger story.
Mentally repeat, “I am the wise observer of my story. Each experiencebrings me wisdom.”
Meditate for 15-20 minutes, allowing each memory and experience tosettle within you as knowledge and wisdom.