In this dialogue, the relationship between humanity and the universeis explored from a spiritual perspective. The importance of humility inrecognizing our connection to everything around us, from the stars tothe earthly elements, is emphasized. It is stressed that true greatnesslies in the ability to marvel and learn from the small things, as wellas in the commitment to care for and be an active part of our world.Being human is presented as a manifestation of the union between Earthand Water, a seed of the Cosmic Tree that grows with humility to shareits fruits with the universe.
“The true wonder is not the brightness of the stars, but that you canbe here marveling at them.”
Celestial connection meditation: Dedicate a few minutes each day tocontemplate the sky, whether at dawn, dusk, or during the night. Observethe stars, the Moon, and the Sun, recognizing your ancestral bond withthe stars and feeling the wonder of being here, in this moment.
Practice of humility: Engage in reflection exercises to recognizeyour place in the cosmos and the importance of humility. Meditate on theinsignificance of your existence compared to the immensity of theuniverse, accepting with gratitude your role in the vast tapestry oflife.