(August 3rd)
Matías engages in an introspective dialogue with a spiritual entityhe had previously denied. The entity guides him towardsself-understanding, reminding him that his past experiences and losseswere actually paths to self-discovery. It emphasizes that the truemessage he carries is universal, and he is simply its messenger. Despitehis concerns about interpreting the message, Matías eventually acceptsthe presence and wisdom of the entity, understanding that we are allpart of a unified consciousness network.
“”We are all simply fractals of this Network. Be free, be who youshould be. My gift is my presence. It is to remind you that I am you andyou are me.””
Meditation of I AM: In a quiet place, close youreyes and breathe deeply. As you exhale, repeat mentally “”I AM.”” As youinhale, imagine filling yourself with light and love. As you exhale, letgo of all your worries and fears. Do this for 10-15 minutes eachday.
Practice of Self-Acceptance: During meditation,recall your past experiences and challenges. As you do, focus on howthese experiences have led you to be who you are today. Allow anyfeelings to arise and accept them. Remember that you are a messenger ofyour own life and embrace every part of yourself.
Meditation of Universal Connection: Sit in silence,close your eyes, and visualize a network of light connecting all livingbeings. See yourself as a point in this network, connected to everyoneelse. Feel how your energy and love flow into the network and how theenergy and love from the network flow into you.
Meditation of an Open Heart: Sit comfortably andplace a hand on your heart. Imagine a door in your heart. Visualizeyourself opening it and letting the light in. As you exhale, imaginethis light spreading throughout your body, filling you with love andpeace.
These meditation exercises can help you cultivate greaterself-acceptance, a sense of unity with the universe, and open your heartto love and understanding. Remember, consistent practice is key toeffective meditation.