In a deep dialogue with himself, Matías realizes that his perceptionof life, limited to the positive and negative, is like being inside abox. He explores the idea that there are more faces to the box,representing different aspects of his being. The metaphor of the pyramidis introduced as the Earth and the journey within to discover treasures.Matías concludes that to free himself from the confinement of the box,he must become it, igniting his Merkabah and embracing the sixpotentials: Mind, Emotion, Action, Wisdom, Will, and Love, therebybecoming the creator of his own life.
“”To free yourself from the confinement of the box, you must becomeit, ignite your Merkabah, and embrace your potentials; for by takingownership of your Mind, Emotion, Action, Wisdom, Will, and Love, youtransform into the creator of your own life.””
Meditation of Recognition of the Six Potentials:
Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Breathe deeply andslowly. Imagine each of your six potentials as a face of a box or cubethat represents yourself.
Start with the Mind. Focus on your thoughts and allow them to flowfreely. Recognize that you are not your thoughts but the observer ofthem.
Shift to Emotion. Consider your present emotions and allow them toexist without judgment. Feel how you can create your emotions instead ofbeing controlled by them.
Reflect on Action. Contemplate the actions you have taken today. Areyou reacting to life or consciously choosing your actions?
Move your attention to Wisdom. Think about the knowledge you haveacquired and how you have applied it in your life.
Then, focus on Will. Contemplate your intentions and goals. Are youusing your will to transform yourself, or is the world imposing its willupon you?
Lastly, consider Love. Do you love unconditionally, accepting allexistence, or do you love with conditions to what exists?
Pyramid Meditation:
Close your eyes and imagine that you are entering a pyramid. As youdescend towards the heart of the pyramid, you move away from thesunlight and enter the darkness. Although it may seem daunting,understand that within this darkness lie the most valuable treasures:your unexplored capabilities and potentials.
Explore this dark space and, when you’re ready, find your way back tothe light, carrying with you the treasures you have discovered. Thismeditation can help you become familiar with your fears and uncover yourinner strengths.
Merkabah Meditation:
Merkabah is a term from Jewish mysticism that means “”chariot”” andrefers to a light vehicle that the soul can use to ascend to higherdimensions. In this meditation, visualize a Merkabah around you.
First, imagine a tetrahedron (a three-sided pyramid) with the base atyour feet and the point pointing upward.
Then, imagine another tetrahedron with the base above your head andthe point pointing downward.
Finally, visualize these two tetrahedrons merging to form atetrahedral star (or Merkabah) around you.
This meditation can help you connect with higher dimensions ofconsciousness and awaken your internal potential.
Remember, consistency is key in any meditation practice. Try todedicate time every day, even if only for a few moments.