This dialogue is a spiritual and cosmic exploration that links lifeand existence with the image of the seed and the octahedron. The seed isseen as the beginning and end of all things, in all realms of creation,containing all potentials and the capacity to hold all information ofthe self. The octahedron, as the Universal Seed, is considered thepotential of the universe, connecting the processes of time and space,light and darkness, and the six potentials: wisdom, will, love, mind,emotion, and action. It is a map of the self, a map of what one iscapable of across time and space. All of this highlights the importanceof consciousness and balance in life and existence, inviting theindividual to see themselves as the seed, as the universe itself.
“”When you contemplate the entire Cosmos emerging from within you, youwill know that you are a reflection of the Seed. Then, you yourself canbe the Universe.””
Meditation Exercises:
Octahedron Meditation: Imagine an octahedron withinyou, considering it as the universal seed. Feel how each vertexrepresents a different aspect of yourself: wisdom, will, love, mind,emotion, and action. Observe how these characteristics interact withinyou and how they balance to form your complete being.
Seed Meditation: Visualize a seed in your hand.Imagine how this small seed contains the potential to grow into a largeand strong tree. Now visualize yourself as that seed. Feel the potentialwithin you, the capacity to grow, evolve, and transcend.
Consciousness Meditation: In a quiet space, closeyour eyes and imagine the pyramid of time and space within you. Considerthe four processes of time: expresion, experimentation, integration, andtranscendance. Then think about the four directions of space: north,south, east, and west. Focus your mind on how these elements interactwithin you. Attain awareness of your presence in time and space, and howthis affects your inner balance.
Tree of Life Meditation: Visualize yourself as a bigtree. Your roots go deep into the earth, stable and strong. Yourbranches extend towards the sky, reaching into the unknown. Feel howlife flows through you, from the depths of your roots to the tips ofyour branches, connecting you with the universe around you.
Each of these exercises can be done for 10 to 20 minutes per day,depending on your comfort level. The intention is to connect with theconsciousness of oneself and the universe, and to align your internalpotentials.