Matías reflects on the concept of Power, exploring its various facets. He acknowledges that Power can be an inherent capacity within an individual, represented by the ability to act autonomously and effectively. However, Matías also identifies a darker and societal version of Power, where it is used to control others, turning them into mere tools. The conversation touches on the topic of revolution and the repetitive cycle of power and subordination, suggesting that the only way to break this cycle is by empowering each individual, teaching them to awaken their inner power and use it constructively. Finally, Matías proposes that the evolution of society into civilization can only be achieved through empowering each individual and their contribution to the common good.
“To be in power from Consciousness is to guide others to find their own tools.”
I Can Meditation: This exercise will help reinforce your internal sense of empowerment and capability. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Visualize a light in your chest representing your inner power. As you inhale, imagine the light becoming brighter. As you exhale, repeat mentally “I Can.” Do this for a few minutes each day.
Tool Recognition Meditation: In this meditation, you will reflect on your abilities and talents, your internal “tools.” Find a quiet place and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and visualize a toolbox in front of you. Each tool represents a skill or talent you possess. Take a moment to recognize each of these tools, express gratitude for them, and commit to using them consciously and positively.
Interconnection Meditation: This practice will help you feel more connected with others, acknowledging that each of us has a unique and valuable role. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Imagine you are in a circle with the people in your life. Visualize yourself passing a bright light from person to person, representing the power and abilities each one possesses. Recognize the importance and value of each person in your circle.
Meditation to Awaken Inner Wisdom: The purpose of this meditation is to awaken your inner wisdom and strengthen your inner leadership. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Visualize a wise figure within you, representing your inner wisdom. Ask a question to this figure and then listen carefully for any response that arises.
Meditation for Conscious Leadership: For this meditation, imagine a situation where you are in charge of a team or group. Visualize how you guide each person to discover and utilize their own unique set of skills. With each breath, strengthen your commitment to conscious and empowering leadership.