Matías engages in a dialogue with his inner self about theTetrahedron, considering it the primordial source of existence and themanifestation of the sacred trinity: Vibration, Energy, and Matter,which are reflected in various dimensions of human and cosmic reality.This trine pattern is seen within himself as thought, feeling, andaction. Matías unravels how this pattern projects across differentdimensions and how, at its essence, the trinity unites in a fourthpoint: the Tetrahedron. Each face of the Tetrahedron expresses atrinity, and by multiplying them, a total of eight, plus the unity atthe center, is obtained: the Merkabah. This represents the union of twoforces, one positive and one negative, both radiating from the heart,whose energy generates light, a symbol of the integration of themultidimensional self. The dialogue concludes with the recognition thatby adopting the form of the Tetrahedron, one aligns with all aspects oftheir divine being in the cosmos.
“By adopting the form of the Tetrahedron, you ignite the inner fire,integrate all aspects of your multidimensional self, and align with thecosmic divinity that resides within you.”
EXERCISES (added as meditation exercises):
Trinity Meditation: Begin each day with a meditationthat reminds you of the trinity of vibration, energy, and matter. Feelhow you vibrate with your thoughts, how you radiate energy with yourfeelings, and how you act in the material world. Strive to maintain abalance between these three aspects throughout the day.
Tetrahedron Visualization: During moments of calmthroughout the day, visualize a Tetrahedron in your mind. Imagine howthe four points come together in unity and how they project into alldimensions of your life. Observe how the faces of the Tetrahedronrepresent different aspects of your being.
Merkabah Meditation: Set aside time each day tovisualize the Merkabah, the union of the positive and negative forcesemerging from your heart. Feel the vibration of these two fires, onepink-red and the other blue-cyan, and how their union generateslight.
Remember that consistent practice and patience are key in anymeditation journey. I hope these exercises aid you on your spiritualpath.