June 20, 2021
Matías reflects on how he will be as a father, worried aboutrepeating patterns of absence seen in his own father and grandfather. Hewonders how to convey his essence to his children without burdening themwith his own history. His interlocutor explains that the important thingis not to try to free them from his legacy but to share his experiencesand wisdom so that his children have the freedom to create their ownpath. The conversation explores how traditions and inherited knowledgewithout reflection can become limiting ideologies. Matías learns thattranscending these ideologies and deeply understanding their origins canlead to greater freedom and authenticity, allowing him to live fully inthe present.
“Being part of an ideology weakens the individual’s judgment, causingthem to lose their center in favor of the current.”
Liberation from the Past Meditation
Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.
Breathe deeply several times, relaxing your entire body.
Visualize your parents and grandparents in front of you, observingtheir actions and behaviors.
Reflect on the patterns you have inherited from them, both positiveand negative.
Mentally repeat: “I honor my past and release what no longer servesme.”
Maintain this meditation for 10-15 minutes, feeling yourself freefrom old patterns.
Wisdom and Knowledge Meditation
Find a quiet place and sit comfortably.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply, relaxing your entire body.
Visualize a book in front of you, full of words and knowledge.
Imagine these words transforming into deep experiences andunderstandings.
Mentally repeat: “I transform knowledge into wisdom and share it withlove.”
Maintain this meditation for 10-15 minutes, feeling the wisdomintegrate within you.
Deconstruction of Ideologies Meditation
Find a quiet place and sit comfortably.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply, relaxing your entire body.
Visualize a blackboard in front of you, filled with words and ideasrepresenting your ideologies.
Imagine taking an eraser and cleaning the blackboard, removing allthe words.
Mentally repeat: “I unlearn ideologies and open myself to newpossibilities.”
Maintain this meditation for 10-15 minutes, feeling the freedom ofthought.