April 14, 2021
In this dialogue, Matías takes us on a journey of spiritualself-discovery. He focuses on directing our energy inward, confrontingour own shadows, and challenging the ego. He encourages us to faceourselves, embracing our imperfections to find our true essence. Throughthis process, the importance of working on ourselves to achieve genuinepersonal growth and connect with our most authentic self ishighlighted.
“The emotions that emerge from you, that you release, are only yours,they live within you, and they return to you.”
Shadow Recognition Meditation: Choose a quiet moment to reflect onyour flaws, fears, or aspects of yourself that you tend to hide. Allowyourself to feel all those emotions and acknowledge them as part of yourbeing. Accept and embrace these shadows as an integral part ofyourself.
Ego Embrace Meditation: Visualize your ego as a vulnerable part ofyourself, stripped of its defenses and masks. Imagine that you embraceit with love and compassion, recognizing its importance but also itsneed to be understood and accepted.
Conscious Affirmations Meditation: After recognizing your innertruths and embracing your ego, practice conscious affirmationmeditation. Repeat positive and empowering affirmations that reinforceself-acceptance and help you connect with your true essence.