Matías reflects on how, by letting go of heavy emotional stories, hefelt lighter and finally slept well. He realized that he finds pleasurein suffering, especially in forbidden and conflict-filled love stories,as these create a tension that his brain perceives as exciting. Heacknowledges that many humans share this tendency to seek drama becausethe same chemical reactions that cause pleasure also generate pain. Theconversation explores how prohibition and internal conflict intensifythese sensations and suggests that the key to transforming sufferinginto pleasure is to accept and release these emotions, using creativityto turn pain into something positive and productive.
“Allow yourself to feel. At first, it will be painful, but then youwill see your petals radiate fantastic colors, illuminating like starsin the world, perfuming the air with exquisite aromas.”
Releasing Emotional Stories Meditation:
Find a Quiet Place: Sit comfortably in a place where you won’t bedisturbed.
Breathe Deeply: Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale throughyour mouth. Repeat several times until you feel relaxed.
Visualization: Imagine that with each exhalation, you release anemotional story that weighs on you. Visualize these stories leaving yourbody like smoke or dark energy.
Affirmation: Mentally repeat: “I release the emotional stories thatweigh on me and what I project from them into the future.”
Finish: When you feel lighter, slowly open your eyes and expressgratitude for the moment of release.