June 21, 2021
Matías reflects on the importance and origin of words, how theirmeaning and vibration evolve over time, and how they influence ourlives. While terms may change their intention and use, their essenceremains. The conversation highlights that understanding the meaning andorigin of our names can help us understand our vibration and resonancein the world. They also explore how names and surnames carry familial,cultural, and karmic histories. Matías concludes that saying his namewith full awareness and firmness can awaken his true potential and be apowerful tool for understanding his past, present, and future.
“Becoming aware of your name is essential to know what forces areshaping your being.”
Meditation of Connection with Your Name
Find a quiet place and sit comfortably.
Close your eyes and take several deep breaths.
Mentally repeat your full name several times, feeling each syllableand its vibration.
Visualize how each letter of your name emits a light and a specificvibration that expands throughout your being.
Mentally repeat: “My name is a powerful tool that connects me with myessence and purpose.”
Maintain this meditation for 10-15 minutes, allowing the vibration ofyour name to fill you with energy and clarity.
Meditation of Discovering the Meaning
Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.
Take several deep breaths, relaxing your entire body.
Think about the meaning of your name and any stories or familyconnections you have with it.
Visualize your parents and ancestors saying your name with love andpride.
Mentally repeat: “I honor the meaning of my name and the history itcarries.”
Maintain this meditation for 10-15 minutes, feeling the connectionwith your roots and the respect for your name.