February 21, 2021
In this dialogue, Matías reflects on the significance of closingone’s eyes and immersing oneself in the inner world. In doing so, heexplores the importance of sleep as a vital process for the regenerationof the body and mind, as well as the connection between external andinternal reality through emotions. Neptune, as a symbol of the innerworld and the depths of the subconscious, is presented as an existentialchallenge that requires courage to confront. Each tear shed represents abook of emotions, and by drinking them, the living strength of an entireinner world is integrated, thus becoming the whole world when closingthe eyes and immersing oneself in the experience of consciousness.
“Emotion is what unites the two eyes, the internal and the external,the two visions of your being, your two realities.”
Internal Observation Meditation: Dedicate a few minutes each day toclose your eyes and observe your thoughts, emotions, and internalsensations. Let them flow without judging or holding onto them.Acknowledge the presence of Neptune in your inner world and be aware ofhow it affects your perceptions and experiences.
Emotional Integration Meditation: Identify an emotion that is presentwithin you in the present moment, whether positive or negative. Closeyour eyes and immerse yourself in that emotion, allowing yourself tofully feel it in your body. Observe how it manifests physically and whatthoughts accompany it. Allow this experience to help you understand andaccept your emotions more deeply.