May 12, 2021
In this dialogue, Matías reflects on the meaning of home and his ownexperience of constant search for belonging and security. Henostalgically recalls the house of his childhood, where he felt deeplyrooted and connected to his surroundings. Throughout his life, he hasexperienced numerous changes of residence without finding a place he cantruly call home. As he delves into his internal dialogue, Matíasexplores the relationship between the colors of the universe and themanifestation of home from within, recognizing the importance ofexpressing his identity through art and creativity. Finally, he commitsto allowing the artist within himself to express freely, acknowledgingthat he himself is the guardian of his own consciousness and the onlyone capable of releasing his inner light and leaving his mark on theworld.
“Paint the World within you.”
Meditation for connecting with inner light: Close your eyes and focuson the inner light residing within you. Imagine that light expanding andfilling your entire being with calmness, clarity, and love.
Color Meditation: Visualize the colors of the rainbow and let eachone represent an emotion or aspect of your life. Observe how they blendand intertwine to form a unique canvas reflecting your inner self.
Creative Expression Practice: Dedicate time to express yourselfcreatively through art, whether it’s painting, drawing, or writing.Allow your creativity to flow freely and reflect your true innerbeing.