May 27
Matías explores the concept of taboo from its Polynesian roots to itsevolution in European culture, highlighting how certain topics,especially those related to spirituality and sexuality, have beenconsidered forbidden or inappropriate in different cultural contexts. Heexamines ancient myths and how the perception of genitals has variedover time, from being considered divine in some cultures to being seenas symbols of sin in others. Matías delves into the biology of sexualityand reproduction, emphasizing the importance of understanding it from aspiritual perspective to transcend taboos and find the connectionbetween body and spirit.
“Sex was a form of spiritual communication that was personal atfirst, connecting us with our own power, then it was shared withothers.”
Body Awareness Meditation: Dedicate a few minutes each day to connectwith your body. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, andbring your attention to each part of your body, from head to toe. Noticeany physical sensations that arise, without judging or trying to changethem. Simply keep awareness of your body present in the presentmoment.
Meditation on Creative Power: Reflect on the creative nature of yourbeing, both physically and spiritually. Sit quietly and visualizecreative energy flowing through you, from your cells to your spirit.Acknowledge your ability to create and manifest in the world, andcultivate an attitude of gratitude for this inner power.