May 2, 2021
In this dialogue, Matías takes us on a spiritual journey through thehistory of the universe, from the sleeping void to the manifestation oflife and the quest for inner truth. He speaks of the importance ofresonance, both in the cosmos and in our daily lives, inviting us tolisten to the sounds vibrating within and around us to discover our owntruth. He reminds us that resonance is the key to manifesting ourintentions and creating new realities, encouraging us to sing our ownmelodies to the water to nourish our seeds of spiritual growth.Ultimately, he invites us to resonate together in harmony with theuniverse, recognizing that we are the origin of all dimensions.
“Your voice is the echo of the songs of the cosmos that resonatewithin you.”
Conscious breathing meditation: Dedicate a few minutes each day topractice conscious breathing meditation. Focus on your breath, observinghow the air enters and exits your body. Recognize each inhalation asinspiration, each exhalation as release. This exercise will help youconnect with the life flow and inner harmony.
Visualization of internal sounds: During meditation, close your eyesand tune in to the internal sounds of your body and mind. Listen to thebeating of your heart, the flow of your breath, and any other internalsound you perceive. Visualize these sounds as part of an internalsymphony that connects you with the universe.
Mantras and affirmations: Create mantras or affirmations based on thespiritual principles that resonated with you in the text. Repeat thesewords with intention during your meditation practice to strengthen yourconnection with your inner self and the universal source.