July 4, 2021
Matías feels trapped in an emotional cycle of confusion and sadness,unable to sleep and seeking answers. He realizes that he is facing hisfears, guilt, and the feeling of not flowing in life. The dialoguereveals the importance of letting emotions flow like a river, withoutblocking them with dams of control. Repressing feelings and pastexperiences creates emotional buildups that need to be released. Matíasunderstands that the fear of facing his true self and feelings has beena barrier to his freedom. He is encouraged to accept his emotions, stopjudging himself, and flow with the river of life, allowing thesubconscious to release accumulated burdens. In the end, he is remindedthat spiritual awakening and true celebration come from accepting andreleasing everything he has repressed.
“Let the river run free, release the emotional torrent you areblocking.”
Flowing with the River Meditation
Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably withoutinterruptions. Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply. Visualize ariver flowing freely through a serene landscape. Imagine this riverrepresents your emotions and thoughts. Let the river flow withoutobstacles, carrying away any worries or emotional burdens you may have.Allow yourself to feel the relief and peace that come with releasingthese blockages. Repeat this visualization whenever you need to releasetension and find clarity.
Reflection of the Lake Meditation
Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine you aresitting in front of a calm lake. Visualize your reflection in the clear,serene water. Observe how your emotions and thoughts are reflected onthe surface of the lake. As the ripples fade, feel your worriesdissipate and clarity emerge. Allow yourself to contemplate your trueessence in this reflection, accepting both the light and the shadowwithin you. Practice this meditation to find balance andself-understanding.
Releasing the Emotional Torrent Meditation
Find a quiet space and close your eyes. Take several deep breaths,focusing on the air entering and leaving your lungs. Imagine there is adam inside you holding all your unexpressed emotions. Visualize this damslowly opening, allowing the water (your emotions) to flow freely. Feelthe relief as you release these repressed emotions without judging ortrying to control them. Allow yourself to cry, laugh, or feel anyemotion that arises. This meditation will help you release stress andheal emotionally.