9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality


Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.




July 7, 2021


As Matías approaches the end of his daily connections journey, hereflects on his emotions and the impact of his mission. Confronted witha mix of sadness and relief about leaving Giza, the place he has calledhome, Matías delves into his feelings of rage, pain, and melancholy.Through a process of emotional catharsis, he shares his internalstruggle and the relief he finds in releasing old emotions. Guided byhis inner self, Matías discovers that by accepting and allowing thesefeelings to flow, he can transform his pain into serenity, achievinggreater understanding and inner peace. The narrative highlights theimportance of emotional purging and the connection to the sea as asymbol of love and purification.


“Allow yourself to be shaped by the waves of the Net.”


  1. Purification and Catharsis Meditation

Find a quiet place: Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Breathe deeply: Inhale through your nose for a count of four, holdthe breath for a count of four, and exhale through your mouth for acount of four. Repeat several times until you feel relaxed.

Visualize your negative emotions: Imagine all negative emotions andthoughts as a dark cloud inside you.

Exhale the emotions: With each exhalation, imagine expelling thatdark cloud out of your body. Feel the release of these emotionalparasites.

Inhale light and love: With each inhalation, imagine filling yourbody with light and love, purifying your entire being.

Repeat affirmations: “I release everything that consumes me fromwithin. I purify myself and fill with love and light.”

  1. Acceptance and Love Meditation

Find a quiet place: Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Breathe deeply: Inhale and exhale slowly, relaxing your body.

Visualize the sea: Imagine you are facing a vast and tranquil sea.Feel the breeze and listen to the sound of the waves.

Give your burdens to the sea: Visualize throwing all your worries,fears, and resentments into the sea. Watch the waves carry your burdensaway, purifying you.

Feel the calm: Allow yourself to float in the sea, feeling thelightness and peace that envelops you.

Repeat affirmations: “I surrender to the sea and let go of all myburdens. I fill myself with love and peace.”

  1. Reconnection with Purpose Meditation

Find a quiet place: Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Breathe deeply: Inhale and exhale slowly, relaxing your body.

Visualize your path: Imagine your life as a river flowing toward thesea. Observe the obstacles and sediment you carry.

Let go of the obstacles: Visualize the obstacles dissolving in thewater, allowing the river to flow freely.

Reconnect with your purpose: Imagine the river meeting the sea,symbolizing the union of your purpose with love and freedom.

Repeat affirmations: “I release my obstacles and reconnect with mytrue purpose. I flow with love and freedom.”

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