In the search for transcendence, recognizing our thoughts andfeelings involves a profound internal exploration. This journeychallenges us to face the unknown and the forgotten within ourselves. Itbegins with the need to find balance and energy, but can evolve into anexploration driven by will, discovering every corner of the forest ofour existence. However, denial can be an obstacle, preventing us fromseeing the truth both inside and outside of ourselves. Through sincerityand the help of genuine friends, we can overcome denial and embark on aneternal quest for self-knowledge and growth.
“Seeking and Denying are two interesting keys that define the path totranscendence.”
Self-observation meditation: Spend a few minutes each day observingyour thoughts and emotions without judgment. Acknowledge what you thinkand feel in the present moment, allowing yourself to explore your innerworld deeply.
Inner search visualization: Close your eyes and visualize an infiniteforest that represents your inner search. Imagine walking through thisforest, exploring every corner of your being, without seeking an end,simply observing and accepting what you find.