The text addresses the dynamics of interpersonal relationshipsinfluenced by the energy of Gemini, characterized by sudden changes andconflicts of interest. Through personal experiences, he reflects on howinstability can affect friendships, romantic relationships, and familybonds. The concept of serving and keeping in relationships is explored,highlighting the importance of identifying where energy is given andwhere it is reserved, both from a place of consciousness and from fear.Communication is proposed as the key to establishing clear boundariesand building healthier relationships from a perspective of consciousgiving and freedom.
“Give from a place of freedom. Be free and love the world by lovingyourself.”
Reflection meditation on relationships: Spend time each dayreflecting on your relationships, whether with friends, family, orpartners. Observe how you feel in these relationships and if you aregiving more than you receive, or vice versa. Breathe deeply as youreflect on these dynamics.
Self-knowledge meditation: Spend at least a few minutes each daymeditating on yourself. Observe your thoughts, emotions, and desires.What drives you to act in certain ways in your relationships? What areyou willing to give and what do you prefer to keep for yourself?