9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality


Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.




July 2, 2021


Matías reflects on the word “redefine” and how this year has been asignificant redefinition of his existence. He understands thatredefining is essential for life, as the meaning of things changesaccording to an individual’s perception. Through a conversation with hisinner self, Matías explores how his values and perceptions have changed,but also recognizes the importance of aligning these changes with hissubconscious. Accepting and releasing accumulated emotions, speaking andexpressing what he feels, and understanding that loneliness and the fearof abandonment can be transformed into sources of connection andcommunication, are essential steps for healing and discovering the goldwithin oneself.


“When your way of seeing the world changes, your perception of itchanges too.”


  1. Redefining Meditation

Find a quiet place: Sit in a comfortable position with your backstraight and your hands resting in your lap.

Close your eyes: Breathe deeply several times, inhaling through yournose and exhaling through your mouth.

Visualization: Imagine a symbol or situation in your life that youfeel needs a new meaning.

Reflection: Mentally repeat, “Redefining is essential in life.” Allownew perceptions about that symbol or situation to arise in yourmind.

Duration: Stay in this meditation for 10-15 minutes, allowing yourmind and heart to redefine this aspect of your life.

  1. Subject and Meaning Meditation

Comfortable posture: Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Deep breathing: Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, relaxing your bodywith each exhalation.

Focus: Think of an object or situation that holds significant meaningfor you.

Affirmation: Mentally repeat, “Meaning does not depend on the objectbut on the subject.” Reflect on how your perception influences themeaning of this object or situation.

Duration: Spend 10 minutes on this practice, feeling how yourperceptions and meanings can change and evolve.

  1. Changing Perception Meditation

Quiet place: Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Conscious breathing: Inhale through your nose and exhale through yourmouth, relaxing each part of your body.

Visualization: Imagine an event or belief that you want to change inyour life.

Reflection: Mentally repeat, “When your way of seeing the worldchanges, your perception of it changes too.” Allow new perspectives onthat event or belief to arise and integrate into your being.

Duration: Meditate for 15-20 minutes, allowing these new perceptionsto transform your way of seeing the world.

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