9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality


Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.




The text addresses the difficulty of accepting our shadows and explains that this difficulty arises from our constant search for light and our rejection of darkness. It suggests that our shadows are a part of us and that by acknowledging and repurposing them, we can use them for personal growth. It emphasizes that darkness is not the enemy but another way of creating life and experience. In summary, accepting our shadows involves recognizing their existence and using them constructively in our lives.



“Darkness is the tool at your disposal to find the path of light, for darkness is nothing more than light scattered into a hundred paths.”



  1. Shadow acceptance meditation: Sit in a quiet place and focus your attention on your breath. Then, visualize your shadows, those parts of yourself that you’ve suppressed or denied. Observe those shadows without judgment and accept their presence. Breathe deeply, and with each inhale, send love and compassion to those parts of yourself. Acknowledge that they are an integral part of your being and that you can transform them into strength.
  2. Emotion integration meditation: Dedicate a few minutes each day to connect with your emotions. Sit in silence and bring your attention to your body. Observe any emotion that arises, whether positive or negative, without judgment. Allow yourself to fully feel the emotion without trying to suppress or cling to it. Visualize how the energy of that emotion flows through you and transforms into a vital force that drives your growth and evolution.
  3. Self-compassion meditation: Find a quiet moment to sit comfortably. Gently place a hand over your heart and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and feel your chest expand with each inhalation. As you breathe, repeat words of love and compassion to yourself, such as “I accept and love myself unconditionally.” Let these words fill your being and provide you with comfort and emotional support.
  4. Balance of light and darkness meditation: Imagine a sphere of bright light at the center of your being. With each inhale, allow this light to expand and fill your entire being. Then, visualize a shadow within you and send love and compassion to that shadow. See how the light merges with the shadow, creating a harmonious balance between the two. Feel how this integration brings you peace and acceptance.
  5. Connection with inner light meditation: Sit in silence and bring your attention inward. Visualize a source of bright light in your heart, representing your divine essence. Feel how this light fills you with love, peace, and wisdom. Gradually allow this light to expand, encompassing your entire being and extending out into the world around you. Feel how you connect with the inner light of all that exists.
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