May 1, 2021
This dialogue reflects a spiritual journey in search of connectionwith the Universal Source and understanding oneself as an integral partof it. Through metaphors like the germinating seed and intention flowingas a constant stream, the idea is explored that each individual is aSource of potentiality. The proposed exercise of creating a Germinatorsymbolizes the physical manifestation of this concept, reminding us thatspirituality lies in the small everyday actions. The search for theSource is not in heavenly realms but in earthly experience and inrecognizing divinity in the ordinary.
“Sow the seeds, and recognize the Source within them, until youyourself become the Source.”
Inner seed meditation: Dedicate a few minutes each day to sit insilence and visualize a seed within yourself. Imagine this seed as thelimitless potential of your being, ready to germinate and grow intofullness. Breathe deeply and feel how that seed fills with light andenergy with each inhalation, expanding throughout your entire being.
Connection with the Source meditation: Find a quiet moment to closeyour eyes and focus on your breath. Visualize a constant flow of energyconnecting you to the Universal Source. With each inhalation, imaginethat you absorb this pure and revitalizing energy, and with eachexhalation, release any tension or blockages. Feel yourself filled withthe same light and love that emanates from the Source.