June 22, 2021
In this dialogue, Matías explores the power of words and theirvibration in creating reality. Inspired by the biblical principle of”the Word,” he invites us to recognize how our words have the power totransform and give life. Through an exploration of the history andmeaning of terms, Matías shows us that being aware of how we use ourwords connects us with our own creative power and the universe, thusshaping our existence and that of others.
“The verb is the creative word, the spell, the prayer, themanifesting mantra.”
Meditation of the Creative Word
Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes.
Take several deep breaths, relaxing your body with eachexhalation.
Choose a positive word or phrase (such as “peace,” “love,” “I am theword”) that resonates with you.
Silently repeat the word, feeling the vibration of each syllable inyour body.
Visualize the word creating waves of energy that expand around you,filling you with its meaning.
Continue for 10-15 minutes, maintaining focus on the word and itsvibration.
Meditation of Vibration and Sound
Find a comfortable position and close your eyes.
Breathe deeply, relaxing your mind and body.
Begin to emit the sound “Om,” feeling the vibration in your chest andthroat.
Visualize how this vibration expands from your body to the universe,connecting you with the primordial energy.
Continue for 10 minutes, allowing the vibration to fill you withpeace and harmony.