When everything seems to be falling apart around you, remember thatit is your perception that is changing, not the world itself. The worldcontinues its course with its ups and downs, and it is our internalstability that gives the sense of chaos or order. Reflect on theprinciples you have based your life on and recognize that they are partof a larger path. This journey includes transitioning roles, frommaternal to paternal energy, finding your true axis in this process. Byhonoring your roots and accepting both what you have inherited and whatyou wish to transform, you can find strength and balance, becoming apillar that unites heaven and earth.
“I Am a Pillar between Heaven and Earth.”
Inner Forest Observation Meditation:
Find a Quiet Place: Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
Imagine a Forest: Visualize a lush forest. Observe how each treestands firm, even though some may have fallen.
Reflect: Contemplate how external circumstances remain, but it isyour perception that changes. Breathe deeply and mentally repeat: “Theworld simply is. I am the one who changes.”
Personal Axis Meditation:
Sit with a Straight Back: Preferably outdoors or near a window.
Visualize Yourself as a Tree: Imagine you are a tree with firm rootsin the earth and branches extending towards the sky.
Inhale and Exhale: With each inhale, feel your roots sinking deeperinto the earth. With each exhale, feel your branches reaching towardsthe sky. Mentally repeat: “I am my own axis. I am the trunk of thistree.”