Matías explores the concept of twin souls and twin flames, dissectingtheir meaning from both a spiritual and scientific perspective. Heunderstands the soul as a flow of emotional energy seeking to complementitself with other akin energies, as a natural process of balance andharmony. He describes twin flames as a divine manifestation of love,wisdom, and will, represented by the tetrahedral structure of fire.Matías concludes that the true twin flame resides within oneself, as theunification of all aspects of being. By accepting and loving our ownessence, we can find freedom and fulfillment in our relationships withothers.
“I Am my Twin Flame.”
Meditation on the Soul’s Flow: Dedicate a few minutes each day to sitin silence and observe the flow of your thoughts and emotions. Recognizethat your soul is like a river in constant motion, adapting and evolvingwith each experience.
Visualization of the Triune Flame: During meditation, visualize abright triune flame in your heart, representing power, love, and wisdom.Breathe deeply and allow this flame to fill you with peace andharmony.