Recognize your beliefs and qualities, and put them in service to the world. Recognize where you are useful and where you consider yourself useless, without judgment. Allow the community to help you and open yourself to receiving from the hearts of others. Share your gifts and qualities generously. True service comes from the heart and thrives on the interdependence among people.
“Discovering where we are useful and in which aspects we consider ourselves useless helps us recognize our strengths and broaden our horizons in service to others.”
- Service Meditation: Focus your attention on how you can be useful to others. Ask yourself what qualities and skills you have to offer and how you can put them in service to those around you. Visualize how your energy and positive contribution impact the lives of others, generating greater well-being and harmony in the world.
- Integration Meditation: Visualize how you integrate your beliefs, qualities, and truths into your daily life. Imagine how these intertwine and express themselves through your actions, words, and thoughts. See yourself living in harmony with your values and purposes, manifesting your authenticity and consciously serving others.