July 25
The relationship with Mother Earth is fundamental. Plants, fromphytoplankton in the oceans to towering trees, have made life on ourplanet possible. Through photosynthesis, they transform sunlight intoenergy, producing oxygen and essential nutrients. Without them, wecouldn’t breathe, feed ourselves, or even think. The plant network actsas the world’s nervous system, connecting data and generating vitalinformation for our existence. Connecting with plants means connectingwith planetary consciousness, receiving wisdom and guidance. MotherEarth, through her plant kingdom, sustains and nourishes us,illuminating our spiritual path.
“The union between human and vegetal consciousness is fundamental forthe transcendence of the planetary network.”
Breathing Meditation with Plants
Place a plant on a table in front of you or sit in a gardensurrounded by plants.
Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
Breathe deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through yourmouth.
Visualize the process of photosynthesis: plants absorbing sunlight,water, and carbon dioxide, and releasing oxygen.
As you inhale, imagine absorbing the vital energy from the plant.
As you exhale, visualize releasing any tension or negativity,returning pure energy to the plant.
Continue this synchronized breathing for 10-15 minutes, feeling theconnection and energy exchange with the plant.
Slowly open your eyes and thank the plants for sharing their energywith you.
Visualization Meditation of the Plant Network
Sit in a quiet place, preferably outdoors or near a window with aview of nature.
Close your eyes and take several deep breaths.
Visualize a luminous network connecting all the plants on the planet:trees, flowers, shrubs, algae, and phytoplankton.
Imagine this network extending and glowing, connecting every vegetalbeing with each other.
Visualize yourself as part of this network, connected through yourenergetic roots.
Feel the flow of information and energy circulating through thenetwork, nourished by the wisdom of the plants.
Stay in this visualization for 10-15 minutes, feeling the support andconnection of the plant network.
Thank the plant network for its presence and guidance before openingyour eyes and returning to your day.