In this dialogue between “I” and “AM,” Matías explores the profoundmeaning behind the question “Why?”, leading the reader to reflect ontheir motivations and the connection between their actions and their ownexistence. Through internal conversation, the importance of probing intothe reasons behind our decisions is revealed, and how these areintrinsically linked to our identity and purpose in life. It isemphasized that each individual is the cause of their actions and thatthe question “Why?” maps out our minds, reminding us of the path we havetraveled and our responsibility in creating our reality.
“The question is the spark of the mind that ignites the fire as aresponse, to expand light in the form of wisdom.”
Meditation on the question “Why?”: Dedicate a few minutes each day tosit in silence and pose the question “Why do I do what I do?” Allowyourself to explore the answers that arise from within you withoutjudging them, simply observing them with mindfulness.
Linguistic self-awareness meditation: Reflect on the words you usedaily, such as “what” and “why.” Observe how you employ them in yourcommunication and how they influence your understanding of the world.This meditation will help you become more aware of the power of words inyour life.