9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality


Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.

I touch the ground softly with my hands, close my eyes and acknowledge the place I am in, my body feels this presence here and now. I become aware that I’m inside a pyramid. I become aware of the silence and begin to breathe in deeply, focusing on my breathing; softly, as if the only thing that existed was my breathing.


Softly, I message my body, hands, feet, I acknowledge my shoulders and with my touch I feel my physical body. I acknowledge the importance of my physical body that brought me here. I acknowledge that without this body I could never have been here. I thank and honor this body. I thank my cells, every organ for I find myself here and now. I breathe in and become aware of the history of this body.


I became aware of the path that I walked to be who I am today: my life’s history, my ancestors, all the good and the bad. Without judging anything. All that allowed me to be here now. I honor my body’s history, my being.


I became aware of my ancestors. I acknowledge that they did the best they could and thanks to each decision they made I’m here. If they hadn’t, I wouldn’t be in this place today. I thank them and honor them deeply.


I became aware of my father and mother, even though I may not know them. I chose them to be manifested here and now. I honor them both equally for allowing me to be here today. I thank and honor them by taking a deep breath.


I acknowledge the importance of Ego, of my personality. I became aware that, without the Ego, without my individuality I couldn’t be here, I couldn’t do anything that I do, thus, I honor my ego and thank it by breathing deeply.


Now without shame, I acknowledge all the darkness in me: my wishes, my shames, hate, grudges, rage, everything that is in my body. It is the energy that moves my being. I acknowledge that I’m inside, I acknowledge my shadows and darkness. I honor them by breathing deeply.


I become aware about all the good things I do and those things that others acknowledge in me: my own inner light, my services towards others. I acknowledge all that and honor the light in me and I’m thankful while I breathe in deeply.


I became aware that I came here to represent something bigger than me.  Everyone represents a Node of the Earth. I become aware that I’m here for something that transcends me as a person. I honor this task and breathe in deeply.


In this instant I’m going to present myself, saying softly “I am” and my name.


(everyone does that)


Everyone says their Node “I am (name of the node)”.


(everyone does that)


I breathe in deeply. I became aware that we all came here to represent information in the Network. Thus, the Mental Group pronounces the letter “G” (Ga). The Emotional Group pronounces its “R” (Ra) sound. The physical Group pronounces its “KH” (Haa-Jaa) sound.


All together we say “I am Gerukh”.


I am the creator. I am the creator, the origin of all thoughts. I am the cosmic origin, the great eye that sees it all. The doors are open. In every dimension lies the present of the invisible scent. Through time and space I observe in every creation. I am the one you call god.


(can’t be heard because of the signing)


I am Gerukh (it is repeated several times)


I am earth. I am love. In me you will get the answer. I am the idea in action.


(unknown dialect)


I am Gabriel. In my strenght lies the vision of the universe. The will of the creator and divine lord. I am Love. Feel the eyes of the angels. They observe you above.


(note: here a brise was felt in the chamber)


They mirror the ponent that carries the space of the stars, its light, of these singing, and my whispers contemplate you from the cosmos of the earth. All the angels of the universe hear its singing and leave this design.


(everybody sings)


I am god of the universe, the universal vision that resounds with the messages of the angels of truth. I am the voice that expands, the true existence. You’re our design, you are the celestial life.


(everybody sings)


Gerukh. Gerukh. The name of the universe creator of ideas. The cosmic eyes that observe from other dimensions. The great eye that contemplates through its dimension. Your pulse, every sight, there lies the creator. You are here the creator incarnated. There is no greater eye in the heavens that of those who contemplate with love the creation. There is only one great eye in existence and it observes through each one of yours. Look at the world and universe with the eyes of the creator. Remember the original idea. Why? Observe. Why? Observe. Remember: the universe observes itself. The great pitcher of water, the reflection of the heavens and the soul. Thus observe the great idea. The great thought is a constant contemplation of the creation.


(unknown dialect)


Thus it’s time for you to project on the design of the eyes. When everyone in the world is an eye that observes the cosmos and from where the cosmos is observed. Remember which one is your eye. Remember the node you belong to. Feel its body, its geography, its essence, its smells and shapes, its waters and mountains. Observe the node that you are. Become it. Open your eyes and observe the heavens and the earth from where you are. It is the great eye that observes all the creation.


This world has forgotten the great truth that there is no creator outside, but inside. That there is no great eye observing from the heavens, but contemplating from within. From the center of the earth originates the strength of observation. Contemplate your node. Become it.


Awaken in you the original idea. The real thought of the universe. The eye of the I that observes the eye of the Am. The eye of the Am observes the eye of the I. Two lovers staring at each other. Creator and creation of the design. First weaving of the matrix, that gives meaning to existence.


“Longa”: the great ocean of vision.

“Ram a haem”: the idea that resonates.

“El un hum”: the fruit of creation that gives a sense.


From now on, its voices are projected into each one of the nodes, carrying the vision and clarity of the doors to a new world. Begin to wave the web expanding your vision, the idea of the creator. Project yourself to that place you have become.


(everybody sings)


Breathe in. It is the moment to open the key and resonate, bringing this frequency to the world: now I only want to hear the group of the first letter G (“ga”). All others remain silent. Together they sing. Breathe in.


Now it’s time for the letter R (“ra”). All others remain silent. Together they sing. Breathe in.


Now, the letter KH (“ja”). All others remain silent. Together they sing. Breathe in.


Now every group will repeat their part. Listen carefully to the others.


(all groups sing)


Everyone sings. Breathe in.


Now, soft like a lullaby. Gerukh – “garaja”. I breathe in deeply and start from the heart within. I sing “garaja”. Gerukh “mmmmmmm”


(sounds and singing)


I am who I am. Silence. Breathe in. I am who I am. Silence. Breathe in deeply. Breathe in and breathe out liberating all tension, shaking the body. I close my eyes. Thanks for activating the Network. Thank you for being here. Thank you.


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