The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.

Acceso: Akashic Records Initiation

What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records are the information from the "Book of your own soul;, containing the
records of all the experiences of this life, past lives and possible futures.
They are not physical, but in higher and subtle dimensions. Your Book of Soul is in the
Akasha, the Universal Library. As this information is sacred, it is also guarded by your
Higher Self, Light Beings, Guiding Masters and Lords of the Akashic Record.

What are the benefits?
In this course you will learn how to consciously channel your Personal Spiritual Team and
access your own Akashic Records. Also, to open up to other persons’. And healing tools for
others and yourself!
Accessing your Akashic Records fills you with love and inner peace.
You receive messages, advice and answers for any situation you are going through, for
your own evolution path, learn how to raise your vibration, channel your Personal Spiritual
Team, aligning your energy and healing!

Intuition vs Channeling
Introduction to the Akasha (Universal Librarty), Akashic Records
Personal Spiritual Team: Soul Guides, Light Beings, Guiding Masters
The Soul, Chakras and Subtle bodies
Meditations: Subtle Bodies Activations and Opening Channels
Conscious Channelling and forms of channeling
Protections and Anchoring energies
Introduction to Mediumship
Akashic Records opening and closing order
Questions during the session
Readers' Guide
Healing Tools during the session: recurring patterns, blocks, forgiveness and Aka Cords
Practices and supervision of readings

No prior preparation is needed.
You will receive the material 48 hours before the course. The material is: booklet, mantras
and meditations
You will have to do daily homework during the course.


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