This Full Moon in Aries invites us to connect with the energy of I BALANCE. Aries, ruled by Mars, drives us toward action, courage, and facing challenges with determination.
During this phase, the astrological energies push us to make bold decisions and overcome our fears. It’s a chance to dare to do what we’ve been putting off, break old patterns, and redirect our lives toward what we truly desire.
At the same time, this Full Moon is accompanied by Pluto in Capricorn, which continues to work on the deep transformation of our internal and external structures. It encourages us to protect our resources, both material and emotional, and to be strategic in our actions, staying focused on our long-term goals.
In this meditation, we will work with Aries’ energy to reconnect with our personal power, take initiative, and balance the energy between “I” and “we”, from a place of authenticity and courage.