The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.

Welcome to the heart.


(Matias singing in English)


This is the home. To remind us who we are. To create reality. To make…


(everybody joins in at the end with “om / am”, going from the highest to the lowest tone, and singing together with Matias. Manifestation, creation, experimentation, transmuting, transforming, transcending)


(breathing altogether with resonating sound of “om / am” lowest to highest vibrations in order to tune into the heart)


(Matias singing in verses again the same song):


Every heart to mother land. To feel the beat of (indistinguishable).


(everybody joins in at the end with OM/ AM going from thehighest to the lowest tone, and singing together with Matias. Manifestation, creation, experimentation, transmuting, transforming, transcending)


(Matias cuts in with a message)


Repeat with me (tuning in)


Listen. Listen. Repeat with me.


(everybody vibrates and starts chanting the vowel Y – /iu/)


Listen to the silence. Now listen the sound of mother Earth. Listen to the sound in silence. Humans had forgotten that they are Heart of Earth. You even walk in this planet like if you are just on the way to somewhere else. Forgetting that every part of you is this world. You don’t live in Earth. You are Earth. You may have forgotten this main knowledge. You were lost. For the center of everything is the core of this world. The heart that keeps aligned everything. Without it you wouldn’t be here. Your hearts would never beat. It wouldn’t be because of. They are. She lost you. And her love is called gravity. Her heart is called magnetism. And you are part of it. When humanity forgot our Mother Earth’s heart, humanity got lost from the realm of nature. Seeking for a nature that is the divine, out of this world has. If the stars and other planets are not part of Earth. There is a short way to reach the stars that we can count to the heavens. The closest you can get to the divine Is see the axis of the Earth heart. When you live your life walking on a rock staring to the skies, looking for the pride, you forget that you are also shining in someone else’s sky. The Earth doesn’t let us star from the stars that you want to be. When every living being feels the bit of this planet, the heartbeat, the harmony, passes and I bet you’ll get closer to other worlds than never before. The living beings don’t talk to each other by traveling through space. The living beings are the planets, talking to one another from their hearts. When a consciousness finishes recognizing the heart of the planet; when they all tune to be bit of it: that is the moment when all the other planets can hear you.




This is the message you have to share next. So when the time comes, everyone can hear the sound of the bit of Earth.


Hum, hum, hum, ham… Hum, hum, hum, ham… Hum, hum, hum, ham… (repeated 101 times)


(“om” chant by everyone to finish the mantra above. There is a voice expressing:)


It is from there when you find a sound that connects to the heart of Earth.




The truth that has been opened to the (indistinguishable), it is you. With heart. I am. Be there with you. Him, ham, him ham… With the world. The sound of truth. I am with you. Him, ham… I am. Him, ham, him, ham. I am. I am.


Live your world. This is the sound to every being. Him, ham, him, ham. I am. I am. It is my dream. I am, I am, I am, I am, I am. You are the world. I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am.


(Matias guides us on chanting “I am mantra” in several voices and tones harmonizing and supporting each other:)


I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am.

I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am.

I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am.


(ending with a long “I” to activate our hearts, via the vibration of the “I am mantra”. It was done in several voices once and again. Breathing, recomposing, tuning in, vowels, consonants. New voices of complaining, despair, frustration, and anger came up. New “om mantra” started and overcame the voices like a wave of love and compassion to embrace the shadows, and voices were taken away on this spiral of light that embraced them all. Sneezes and coughs. Matias starts singing I am)


We honor you for being the seeds blossoming the new time. May the light be with you. The heart is open.


(breathing and voices resonating)


Breath. Close your eyes. And softening your whole body.


Thank you for being with us.

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