The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The doors of time and space are open. The gift of the heavens has descended to every dimension. The eyes of the creator shine with the idea of the great design, the mother has delivered the trine flame. It is time, then, to ascend home, the essence. Remember: what is home? Home the place where the fire lies, the warm place where I’m one with my own. Home is not family. Home is where I find peace. Remember: what is your home? Who makes you feel big? With whom you share the fire that you observe?


And this home exists in even a bigger world. A fire that joins us all in the core of the world. Reunited we all observe the home of the fire inside the world. But our cultures have called this place hell. For centuries you have been running away from home. For centuries you have been looking for a place in the stars. Where do I come from? My cosmic family. You search in the stars what you can’t find on earth. For the closer I get to the fire, the stronger I believe being in hell. However, the only thing I’m doing is getting further away from my true home. Many, in their lives, get away from home by fear, insecurity, conditionings. We are afraid to sit and share the fire with our loved ones, so as not to give our back to our loved ones. Family are not our loved ones, family are the codes that you have chosen to be who you are. Family is loved like you love yourself, for they are an extension of the body. Home is not in the family. Home is in the other bodies with whom you share. Home is the heart of the system.


The first combo of planetary ascension isn’t to go up to the 5th dimension. But to elevate home from hell, to the essence. What is the essence? It is the quality of being.  Who is capable of being, and not believing being? For the greatest mistake in the world is presenting yourself believing that you are what others say you are. Lost time. The essence’s quality, the being’s quality, implies (unintelligible). The essence only knows a unique verb: I Am. Without any adjectives. The essence is. The expectation of being what others want you to be, only takes you further away from the path. For cycles, millenia, you have searched for a paradise; an oasis in the middle of the desert. When you found it, you started to build an esencial paradise, a celestial paradise, that you would never find. The search became faith. And the faith got us lost. We search for salvation in the heavens, in a God. And in the last decades, you have searched to be enlightened, masters. Or escaping to the 5th dimension.


Planetary ascension is not a matter of moving forward, but a matter of being. I can’t go anywhere unless I become that place. All reality that one lives is the reality that one’s being deserves. Become aware of this. Breathe. There will be no ascension, nor any essence, unless our essence returns to where it belongs; returns to seek within, in the fire of the earth, in the fire of the heart. This is the truth. Carry it in my name. Our task today consists in ascending the hell that was alienated from home, a return to the essence where it belongs, out of all expectation and direction. Simply in the action of being. Are you ready to descend?


(catarsis – lullaby)


Remember the essence. Remember the essence. I am the home. I am the light.




Welcome home.

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