The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.

I am Djahuty; Thot. I am the door to the great beyond. I am the portal, I am time. I am history. My skin is the memory.


I am the path, I am space. I am the path of life. Your singing will open the doors to the network and what is on the other side it’s something that you won’t be expecting. If you have come here expecting a time of light, it means that you don’t understand what door you came to open. The door of consciousness doesn’t rely on light.  The door of consciousness relies on understanding the history and paths of the world.


The Creator’s history is not a path from darkness to light. The Creator’s history is a path towards discovery. Behind every portal lies a new reality. Without judgment, the divine being launches itself to live its history, to experiment step by step its path. Thus, there is no judgment in what you came to open.


You came to open the doors of the world’s consciousness and for that it’s necessary to integrate its history, present, past and future. To integrate its history it is necessary to know its paths from the beginning. There is no straight path towards the divine. There is no right path towards the divine. There are no moments in the perfect history. There are no portals where only one aspect of the being can cross.


Mahas is the first divine name. Mahas is the first name of existence, the doors of time and space. I will ask here, brothers and sisters, that when you open the doors of time and space you don’t judge the past nor the future. This world has closed its doors a long time ago. It has closed its way of seeing the reality of the world. It only stares at the heavens to contemplate the poetry of its glow. It only stares at the heavens as a way to escape reality. The doors have closed a long time ago, for fear and faith. When the doors open, everything that was stagnated inside this house will be released, and all that was waiting to enter will find a home.


It depends on the love of the guardian of the door who enters and how, who goes out and how. The responsibility of being the guardian of the door of time and space is not to judge by preconceptions, but by resonance. This world resonates in a low frequency. This world vibrates in darkness. Thus when you open its doors you shall receive darkness. However, if its guardians vibrate high in love with their resonance singing, only that alike will enter. This way, I beg you, if you truly want to transform the world, open the doors from the heart. History is not in a hurry, the paths are eternal. It’s your decision. There is no need for us who exist in other worlds for you to improve as a species. It is important that you are aware of this. You are not important. You are a third level species in a world developed with the possibility and potentiality of opening its doors to improvement. Everything that will come depends on the hearts that open this door. The responsibility is tinted with love. And don’t get confused: if you want to open the doors based on the love you have for a world that suffers, then it is not love, it is pity. Love is not felt for the ones in pain. Love is not felt for a repressed world. Love is felt when you love what it is. Until you don’t love the world just as it is, you won’t know what love is. Until you don’t walk the world seeing the garbage with the light it radiates, you won’t live the love. Until you stop judging those that contaminate and destroy the world you won’t know what love is. Until that instant you will remain conditioned by the beliefs of what is wrong and what is right.


HA: history tells you, millions of years acclaim it.


SA: the paths tell you, millions of trails clarify it.


Breathe in deeply. Remember then who you came here to represent. Remember who you are. Now you are no longer you or your preconceptions, to become a door of the Earth, a specific history, a specific place. Lighten the history in you. Lighten the paths.


Project yourself in this instant to the node, the door of the land to where you belong.


SA: the path of space observes its landscape.Contemplate its mountain ranges, stones, plants, water. Feel the place, project your body to the matter of that place.


HA: histories. Life. Project yourself to the past, present and future of that place you came here to represent.


MA: the door contemplates from the heavens, the stars, the light that bathes every place. You will open the doors of space and time for all others.


Breathe in deeply… Singing….


Connect! Open the doors! Singing…

The connection was made. Balance. I am the divine. The doors are open. AEI

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