The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.


I become aware of where I am. I’m inside the pyramid. If I feel warm I can lay on the wall, on the ground, or on my back. The body is part of our task, there’s no reason to be afraid of it. Let the body talk. I became aware of the importance of my body. I honor each part of my body. I become aware of my physical body, and with a deep breath I thank it for bringing me here. I became aware of the history of my body, of the evolution, of the millions of years and processes that it had to go through to bring me here. The path wasn’t easy. It was very long. I acknowledge what I’ve done, I honor the history of my boy and thank it with a deep breath. I become aware of my ancestor’s history; all those who come through my body. All of those of my clan who have built my history. Without judging my ancestors, I become aware of all of their acts, even though they could have been good or bad. I honor my ancestors with a deep breath. I acknowledge my mother and father, even though I may have never met them. Without judging them, I acknowledge that it was I who chose them to be here. Everything they have done for me. Good and bad. It only forged the path for me to be who I am here and now. I honor my father and mother. I thank them with a deep breath.

I become aware of my ego, my personality, my individuality. I recognize, I Am, here, now. Thanks to my ego that has done everything possible for me to survive and to be here in Egipt. I acknowledge its importance and thank it with a deep breath.

I acknowledge all the darkness. All the hidden things, fears, desires, passions, rage, grudges, hate. All the things that are inside me. Without shame, I become aware of them. I honor darkness for being the fuel of my being, with a deep breath. I acknowledge all the good things in me. My services, my gifts. I acknowledge the light in me and honor it with a deep breath. I introduce myself by saying “I Am” and my name. From now on this person is no longer who he is. Honoring all the things that have brought me here, we become aware that from this moment on, our task is networked and we represent something bigger than ourselves. I become aware of the energy represented by my node. With a deep breath I connect with everything that I represent and say “I Am -node” with a deep breath. I inhale.

(NHFSH group resonates)

(Matías sings:)

The Creator, in his consciousness… Open up…Everything is eternal…Remember human, reflection of…. This world can’t get enough searching…

You are here to anchor a message of the network. Open up to receive. Open up to receive the flow of a new sun, vision, ilusion. The world, where receiving is so difficult. Humans are scared of receiving. You thing that receiving has to do with obtaining. With… This world is used to searching; to taking, demanding what they consider their own. It’s a new time to come. We’ll have to open the doors to receive something deeper. For that it is necessary not to judge what you are going to receive. All the evolution in our world has taken place without the adaptation of the species of each kingdom. In my natural body it took place by the adaptation to the flow of life. Like a river. The water of life adapts like the rocks on a field. That is the natural law. For the mind to consider the flow of nature. In the quest for wanting to control the flow of life, you have closed yourselves to receiving. And the greatest trauma of receiving is found in your bodies. Woman, you are who receives the seed of the world. You are who received the light of heavens. And yet your cells are filled with the pain of who was raped. Your bodies have been assaulted. No…I know you have been a woman. Everybody in their origin are women. Remember your body. Remember that the femenine body was designed to make seeds.

(Matías sings)

Bodies designed to receive, that have been damaged while receiving. This is the history of our world. When it opens like a flower, it risks being damaged. You can never know who is in the flower. It is pollinated by bees, softly touched by a butterfly or devoured by insects and animals. But the flow of life in nature never stops. A flow never doubts to open. Humans doubt. You doubt about opening the doors. Many beings in this world are afraid of opening its doors, afraid of opening up their beings. Why are you afraid of receiving? You have been so damaged in history. Women: your body has been raped. How many here were abused? How many here keep in your being the pain? How many here? Remember in what moment you were afraid to receive. In what moment your body closed, in what moment the body closed. Your memory is the memory of millions of women.


Your body, in the nodes that represent, project yourself. Expand yourself in the network. Open yourself to each one of its places and from there connect with every femenine body, mineral, vegetable, animal and human. Feel the femenine presence of your node, project yourself to this femenine network.


Feel in your body the soul. Caress it. Sing. Observe the animals that live without judging. Breathe. Your task here is to release the pain of receiving. For this world is preparing itself for a great leap of evolution. The bees of consciousness are arriving. The butterflies that you call angels, are closer everyday. You are all being prepared to incarnate those divine beings on earth. But you have to open yourselves to receive. We know how difficult it is to let go of the fear of the past. Train your cells. We are all animals and vegetables that have already lived this. You all know what it is and you are those animals. You know what it is. And for that today you have to set the intention on the network to receive, to receive with love. Remember: flowers don’t hesitate in growing. Remember: you are the flower and the singing. For when I receive what I’m able to receive, then life opens in me. Expand the evolution. I Am the Flower.


I am the flower of the world. Woman open your vagina. Woman open your heart. Woman open your voice. Woman open your consciousness. Feel the freedom. The world. The divine freedom of receiving. Sacred luxury of life. There you’ll find your power. Your life. Woman: your power is not in the freedom of men, your power is in the creation. I am the divine. I Am freedom. I am the caress. I am… in your world…the world expands…This is the time in the woman. This is freedom time. Thus, you open your voice to the power of receiving the light of the stars of the universe. Look out for your mother. Look out for your sister. Look out for your children. Look out for your grandmother and all your ancestors.


This is consciousness’ evolution. Open up to receive the light of consciousness. Walk freely through the earth. Your power awaits. This is your essence. The network of the creative mother has expanded. May your singing reach every corner of the planet, and in good time, nurture with freedom every femenine body so that it can open freely to receive the flow of a new process of evolution.

Nhafosh. I Am. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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