The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.

(sounds of people entering the chamber, coughing)


Matías: Everyone speaks English, yes? This is for you to, as we await the last to come for you to get ready and prepared. I don’t know if you noticed, but it is hot.


(Naphiss group: Laughing)


Matías: If you need to feel a little bit cooler, touch the walls or the ground, sometimes is cooler so it keeps the feeling of that, also do this:


(Matias demonstrating breathing technique)


Matías: that’s good, too. And, umm… Close, close your mouth with your teeth. Open your lips and breathe in, through your teeth. Do you feel it? The cold?


(Naphiss group: Breathing sighs of cooler air)


Matías: It makes you feel that it’s cold, okay? So if you feel that it is heating too much, just:


(Matías breathes deeply through teeth)


Matías: The system starts to cool down, okay?


(Naphiss group breathing)


Matías: Hmm, two people missing, but you were really fast!


(Naphiss group: Laughing)


Matías: You arrived here in ten minutes!


Naphiss group: Wow!


Matías: I would wait for you for thirty minutes, but I am sorry so enjoy the sauna!


(Naphiss group: Laughing hard, “enjoying sauna”)


Matías: Okay. I will give you some indications, well. Welcome! Um, I will shut down the light so we will be all in the dark, hmm? So, is good for us to concentrate on our breathing because we are not going to have anything to locate our mind. So, is good that every time you feel, like, stressed, or you feel something… Just go back to your breathing; always through the nose. Breathing in, breathing out. Always very slow. If you feel the heat:


(Matías breathes through teeth)


Matías: So I will guide you during the process. I will tell you what we are going to do. But eventually, maybe I will stop being myself. If that happens and we start to listen to some other voice or some other language, umm… just keep doing what you are doing, unless I say for you to sing or for you to slow down, shut up, okay? Just in case I am not speaking english and I am speaking another language, the Atlantean language; two words to know: “eiwan” (best guess) means sing. And “Ish-pa” means shut up.


(Naphiss group: Laughing)


Matías: But do NOT shut up! Lower your sound like “ahhhhhhummmmmm”. Okay? And then silence. Never cut the sound. Okay? Umm… I will tell you eventually to sing the sound of your letter, the concept of your letter. So, remember that when I say “Na” only those who have “Na” as their sound. Then, “Ph” only those in “ph” (fuhh); and “ss” (suh) only those with “ss”. Okay? So… mmm… Because there will be a moment when we have to open the key of sound and I will need for you to do EXACTLY the sounds, so they can hear us, okay? Correctly. Okay.


Naphiss group: Pheeew…


Matías: Just try, when if I start to sing louder you can do too. But always try to listen to me and the others’ voices, because we can get lost with a lot of sound. So, keep in. Keep listening -okay?- what I do, so you can kind of flow with me. But don’t exactly copy, sometimes, what I do, but just try to flow… Okay? Don’t be that much in the mind, try to feel it in your heart. Okay? Um, in the previous ones, sometimes comes a master, that is testing the sound so sometimes he will say “now’s your piece” and then “no no no no no no no, shut up! Lets start again.” Don’t worry, its not that you are singing “wrong” it is that they are all perfect.


(Naphiss group: Hard laughter, coughing)


Matías: We will begin in 5 minutes, as the time says. Sorry to keep you waiting, but two people are lost!


(Naphiss group: concerned sounds; someone humming “Naphiss Ssaphin” song)


Matías: Um, relax, take a deep breath. Concentrate on your breathing. Breathing in, breathing out. Softly touch the ground, your heads, try to sense everything around you. Connect with the idea that you are inside of a pyramid. Acknowledge where you are.


(Matías breathes deeply)


Matías: Touch your hands, your legs, any part of your body that you feel needs to be touched. Become aware of it. Caress the body; touch the body. Massage, a little, the body. Recognize the performance of your body, because of it, that you are here. To help you know that what you are doing right now here… Recognize how important is your body, acknowledge it. Take a deep breath as you honor it. Honor the body and insist to it become aware that everything that happened to your body, from thousands of years ago, is encoded in your cells. All the history, everything that happened to it, lives in you. So, honor the history of your body. No judgment, to anything. For everything that you have lived brought you here. Acknowledge it.


(Naphiss group: resounding “mmm…”)


Matías: Take a deep breath


(Naphiss group: deep breath)


Matías: Feel and sense, bring all ancestors to you. Recognize all the tree of life of your body, and without judgment, recognize that they have done everything for you to be here. There is nothing to judge. Just recognize that every action that they took, every step that they did, every choice, brought you here. So we honor our ancestors, acknowledging this. And take a deep breath.


(Naphiss group: deep breath)


Matías: Recognize now your mother and your father, even if you don’t know them, they are very important. For you have chosen them to make it possible for you to be here. In any case, we give thanks to our parents, honor them, as we take a deep breath.


(Naphiss group: deep breath)


Matías: Recognize your ego. Your personality; your individuality. And acknowledge that you wouldn’t be because of him, of it, that you are here. We give thanks to the ego for being the one helping us to be here, who we are. Acknowledge this, honor the ego and take a deep breath.


(Naphiss group: deep breath)


Matías: Without shame, go deep in you and recognize the darkness that lives within you. Recognize the hate, the desires, all the hidden emotions that you have within. Rage… Recognize that all of that is the fuel for your energy. Recognize the darkness in you. Honor it and take a deep breath.


(Naphiss group: deep breath)


Matías: Remember, and recognize, every good thing that you do; all the service that you are doing. All the things that others can see in you. How you shine. What are you good at? What is your inner light? Even if you can’t recognize it, try to think about it. Recognize the light in you and honor your light taking a deep breath.


(Naphiss group: deep breath)


Matías: I recognize myself and introduce myself to the pyramid by saying “I am” followed by my own name.


(Naphiss group: does so)


Matías: Take a deep breath.


(Naphiss group: deep breath)


Matías: Hold all of yourself, and recognize that with all that acknowledged in you, now, you have to think that you are here for something greater than yourself. That you are coming here as a fractal, for something that transcends your own. Acknowledge that here you are not anymore who you are, and you become a part of the net. Take a deep breath.


(Naphiss group: deep breath)


Matías: This is how, now, you introduce yourself by saying “I am” followed by the name of your node.


(Naphiss group: does so)


Matías: Honor it, and take a deep breath


(Naphiss group: deep breath)


Matías: The doors of time and space have been opened. The dimensions have been spread. Given the gifts from heaven. And the eyes of the skies have been thought throughout the construction of the network by the creator. So this is the time to give power to the divine spark that enlightens your path, helping you to transcend, to overcome any obstacle. You are the givers of the spark and the flame to restore any obstacle. Naphiss.


Naphiss group: Naphiss…


Matías: Haaaammm…


Naphiss group: Whooommmm…


Matías: Feel the vibration between you, the sound. Feel the fire become one, in the singing.


Naphiss group: (toning and chanting and harmonizing) Aaaahhh…


Matías: Ah-Ha Ha Haaaaaa. Huah! Ahhh! This is the beauty

of becoming one. Sons, we arise you. We will fill up your voice. I am the Mother. I am the Earth. Here, inside my body, I will sing you your song. To the daughters. I have raised you from the oceans beyond. I’m your mother of the Spirit and the seas, for you, my sons. My children of this creation. I can hear you sing my voice. I’m the giver of all life. I’m the mother of the Stars. May you know me blessing you as the skies opens wide. In my voice, in my faith, resounding what I give to you: all I have. I arise you from the darkness to the light. May your voices join mine to be signing to the skies. May the light for the song from the heart I am beating.


(Naphiss group: chorus joins)


Matías: Can you feel me? And the spirit? And the word from the light? I’m the giver of your light. I’m the giver of your faith. May you know me. Restless world sending light to the skies. All as one. May you hear me resounding in your heart. I’m the giver, I’m the clouds. Open them to receive me. Mother glory, mother earth, mother stars, mother moon, mother ocean, mother lands, mother moon, and mother sun! You become me. Sons of mine, are of me, in my body. Given to life in this world. My gift to you all may you have from me; from my hand, from the sky. Rest singing my gift to you from my heart. May the sound of our voices in this night to the life. May you feel me in my arms. Be the planted in my eyes. I’m the mother. Pressing through. Holding love on my arms. There’s no ocean, there’s no land that I can’t have with my might. Mighty roses of your heart. Come right by the stars. You receive me. Shake my house.Use my song. My perfect ones.


Naphiss group: (deep breaths) Who! Shoo!


Matías: Pah!


Naphiss group: Shoo!


Matías: Ignite the fire!


Naphiss group: (trilling) Aah… gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi…! Shoo! Aahh! Ay-ay-ay-ay…! Shuuuuh Aahh!


Matías: Oh-hooooooo! Yo! Soy! I am the shadow one. I am Mashadeyeh. I am. Aaahh!


Naphiss group: Shoo… Ay-ay-ay-ay… Whooo!


Matías: Yo soy la llama trina! I am the three flames. Yo soy el que soy. I am who I am. I am the sun of the skies and Earth. I am the one that you don’t dare to be! I am here to remind you that you are. I am who I am. I am the truth. I am the light.


Naphiss group: I am the light.


Matías: I am the path.


Naphiss group: I am the path.


Matías: I am the way.


Naphiss group: I am the way.


Matías: I am life.


Naphiss group: I am life.


Matías: I am.


Naphiss group: I am.


Matías: I am love.


Naphiss group: I am love.


Matías: I am the light of the world.


Naphiss group: I am the light of the world.


Matías: I am the Christ.


Naphiss group: I am the Christ.


Matías: Aaahh!


Naphiss group: Ohhhmmmmm…


Matías: Ignithe the flame.


Naphiss group: (chanting and toning) Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah…!


Matías: Expand the spark to the net of the world! Project yourself to each one of the nodes that you are! Project yourself to each one of the places that you have become! Bring your spark to the world! And recognize, as you sing, weaving the net of fire, that this world is alive with darkness! Conflicts! But also Resolutions! Use your singings! The one that awakes the solutions! Bring the solutions! Resolutions! To each one of the nodes!


Naphiss group: (singing and chanting) Naphiss Ssaphin-Naphiss Ssaphin-Naphiss Ssaphin-Naphiss Ssaphin…


Matías: Naaaaaaaa-Phiiiiii-Saaaaaa-Phiiiin-Naaaaaaa-Phiiiiin-Saaaaaaa-Phiiiin…!


Naphiss group: Naphiss Ssaphin-Naphiss Ssaphin-Naphiss Ssaphin-Naphiss Ssaphin…


Matías: My sons we see you. The spark ignites. The Christ is in this world. Let the fire guide you. May our voices lead you to the light. Hear our heartbeat. We are (indistinguishable)! Listen to our voices spreading the love. You have begun the hard one. Your bodies are spread like seeds in the fields. Don’t worry, I will nourish you until the time has come. We can feel you on the other side. Your voices resound here and now. Echoes of the infinite. Your bodies are the temples. Our souls are in your hearts. Our voices in your hearts. Naphiss Ssaphin… Naphiss Ssaaaaphin…Welcome to you. You rest in my shelter. Don’t worry about the darkness. The light holds the brightest. Welcome to you. My soul is here. Bring me to the world in your heartbeat. Aaahh!


Naphiss group: Aahh!


Matías: Breathe.


(Naphiss group: Chanting and toning)


Matías: Breathe. Welcome home. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Start to move your body, slowly. Come back here and now. Caressing it, massaging it. Touching the walls. Here and now. Thank you.


Naphiss group: Thank you!


Matías: You can leave.


(Naphiss group: laughing)

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