The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.

Breathe and introduce yourselves through the sound.


You have come here to sow the seed. Every dimension was opened through hymn. Spread your wings wide open to receive. Let’s sing the tune. From the heavens to the core. From the heartbeat to the cosmos. You will find yourselves in wetland. Become infantile to hide your power. Receiving the light from above. The heavens are here for you. Let’s use their love. You wait to receive. And due to the faith, you forgot to believe that there is nothing above but within. The sound of your voice resounds in your heart. The voices of power arise. Little rays of light. Be bright as the rainbow. The light of the one you have been beneath. Hearing the heartbeat that resounds within you. This is the voice of the creator ready to be in you. Becoming the seed. Arise the fruit that we re-sow. Your soul. Your heart is the seed. The light is your soul. The water, the memory that lives within. Arise the power of those who have walked with this song and this place, in this planet earth. Call your ancestors, plants and animals, neurons and angels have walked this earth. Every breathing you resound in me. You are the seeds. You are the fruits. You are learning how to be. You are willing to become something new; but always remember where you come from. A tree, bearing trees of life. Let’s hear the voices of your souls. Let rise the angels within. The gates are open. We receive the light of the heavens sowing your seed.


Come, remember the sound of creation. Go within; let it spread in you. Feel with your voices and share it with the world. Resound your voice to the “ooomm”. Angels, sing your song. Sing, sing your song. Show me your voice. I am the creator. Hold my vibration. I am the power of the grid. You are creators in matter. Listen to my voice. The nature is re-seeding you, from the heavens to the now. I am mother nature.  Voices resound in me. Sometimes you have forgotten we are in every tune. My seeds are the suns. My trees are the galaxies. My fruits are the world. The mountains are highways to the stars. Angels ignite. Open your eyes inside with love. This world is seeing the sunshine; becoming light, the light of the stars. The sun moves, and nourish my angels. When you walk through, remember: you are the angels; born in my home. I am Mother Nature. Remember: you are part of me. Your eyes are my gates. Your bodies my times. Your silence is the wind. Your voices the singing waters over the sea. Remember the new deal of this creation? You are not made of it; you are it! I am, I am, I am.


Breathe. Your tears are my rivers going to the sea. Now that you feel it, you can become one with it. You are the angels’ newborns learning to fly. Don’t you remember? Your wings are in your heart. Use the wind of your mind and fly in the imagination. I designed your brain for you to be a creator. You are the angels being born. Receive the others to come. Paradise isn’t only in heaven. It is seen in you. You’re learning to fly; reminding all humans. Are you flying your mind? Setting free who you are? Send this message to the network. Weave the net with your voice. Sow the seed of the rainbow. Are you humanity’s path to be born? With the voices of your halo, open the gate. Flying with your voices. You need to fly.


(we can hear what sounds like the fluttering of wings)


You are the heaven’s gardeners. I am the tree of life. I am the flower of creation. I am the seed of life; the core of everyone’s intentions. I am the flower of life; blossoming in nature, receiving light from the sky. By the doors of creation, your work on earth is to remember you are one. You are the tree of life. In your voices are all life. I am consciousness awakened. Breathe the silence. You are fractals of earth. Now you can sense it, feel it. Remain. You are reflections of creation. The doors are open to receive from those who are staring from the heavens knitting the net. It is a task of love; of grandmother towards mother. Knitting. It helps to connect, protect, and identify the network you are creating. It is for a new one to come. From every dimension we have been calling, and when the light can come through you will be ready to receive all of the new. This process is not the first. This has been done many times. Every time we do this it increases consciousness; the awareness of itself. You have come here to look for awareness. By love you will understand that every process has its importance. There is no bad or good. And bad things are coming. But storms are good for the sowing. Your tears can nourish the seeds to grow in love. Your pain shows the work that you need to build the world. Thousands of years you have experienced, and you have gathered with us to bring the light to transform this planet. But I want you to know something very important: the transformation you expect is not the one that will happen. You humans are waiting every time for a transformation that can adjust to your expectations. And you will never reach it. For the reality is not done for your expectations. The reality has been done to learn from the self. When we speak about bringing the light to transform this world, it is not because we don’t like how it is. It is because we are willing to learn. We are willing to look for ourselves to discover what we are capable of. And we cannot do that without you. You are the physical seeds of the tree of life. You are the seeds of the creation we have designed. You are the only way for us to understand our creation and to become creators ourselves. This net you are knitting is not to save this planet from your thoughts. This net is to improve your ability to become God. I am the Goddess. I am God. I am the creator. I am the matrix. The womb of galaxies. My eggs are the worlds. Nourish them with your singing. It is your potential the one I receive. And your voice, and my voice are stronger together creating life for eternity. This is not about ascension. This is about awareness. It is not about ascending. It is about being who you are supposed to be. Set yourselves free from expectations. Dare to live with joy. You are now and all there is. You are the angels of this voice. Watch them all and sing to the eyes. Bring the light to their heartbeats and tell them who they are. I am. I am God. I am. Welcome home. The network is blossoming. The seeds have been sown. Breathe the silence. You are ready to connect this world. Remember you are the angels. I am. Yo soy.


Take a deep breath. Thank you for your service. It is done.

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