The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.

(the light turned off by itself)


We are going to start. Inhale deeply and focus on your breathing. Open hands in the thighs. We acknowledge that we are inside the Pyramid. We start to slowly massage our legs and all the parts of the body that need to be massaged and repositioned at this moment. I recognize my body. I became aware of my physical body. I honor my physical body. I acknowledge that thanks to it I’ve reached this place. If it wasn’t for it I couldn’t be in this space. I acknowledge the importance of this body for everything that I do in my life. I honor it with a deep breath.


I became aware of my physical body’s history. I acknowledge the millions of years that it took for my physical body to reach this place, to be who I am. Millions of years of preparation, or trial and error, so that every cell makes sense in me today. For millions of years my body has prepared itself to be here today. I honor my body’s history, and I thank it with a deep breath.


I acknowledge all my ancestors. I bring my attention to all those beings that have lived through my body; that have walked the paths, that have built who I am. I become aware that every decision that they’ve ever made, good or bad, has brought me here. I honor, then, all my ancestors and their decisions. Thanks to that, I’m here. I thank them by taking a deep breath.


I bring in front of me the image of my mother and father. Even though I may not know them, I’m going to honor their presence. I thank them for my life. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be here today. It doesn’t matter their decisions, their actions, those things that have influenced me. Without judging their lives, their decisions; without judging what they’ve done with me, I honor them for giving me a life, and I thank them with a deep breath.


I acknowledge my Ego, my individuality, my personality.That aspect of myself that helps me survive and being here, in this place. I became aware of the importance of my Ego. Without it I wouldn’t be here today. It is my Ego who made the decisions that allowed me to be here today. Thus, I honor my Ego and thank it with a deep breath.

I become aware of the darkness in me. Everything that is hidden. My desires, plasures, secrets, rage, grudges, hate, everything that is hidden in me and that I don’t show the world. The densest parts of me. And I recognize all of that as fuel. Fuel for my walk. Thus, I honor the darkness in me and thank it with a deep breath.


I acknowledge all the good in me. All the good that others see in me, and that I see in myself.All my gifts, tributes and services. All that makes me shine in life. I honor the Light in me, and thank it with a deep breath.


All this that I am, is summed up in my name. For that we are going to introduce ourselves in this sacred space by saying “I am”, followed by our name.


(everyone introduces themselves)


From now on, having honored and acknowledged everything that I am and that has brought me here, I allow myself to let it go. I let go of everything, for I came here to do a task that is greater than myself. I came here to represent the world in the network of the Earth. Being at the service of something that transcends me. So, from now on, I’m going to introduce myself by saying: “I am” and  the name of the node that I represent.


(the nodes present themselves)


I breathe in deeply and resound, letting all the present beings here hear me, letting them feel my voice.


(everyone vibrates)




(starts with resonance:)


Rhazwq. I am the dream. You came here from the depths. Here I welcome you from the dream of this world. I am. I am Morfeo’s art. I am the celestial dream. I am the reason for your existence. Feel in me your heart. I am the answer to your deepest interior. I am the design of the vision. I am this dream in the voice-creation. Nothing exists beyond my being. The mind is my being. The dream is eternal. Thoughts that vibrate. Creator in the depths. I am the logic of life; the ilogic of this world. You came to dream. Sleep. Awaken. It’s the same. You are the dream of the dreamer that I am. I am the logic of being the ilogic creation. My web is the web of the dream. There you will find the channels of existence. Potentiate the essence that connects you to my being.


The universe is a network: time, space and soul-light. It is the truth of our light. The truth is an idea. The idea of awakening creates a dream to the divine. Dream and dream, endlessly. The Divine Ocean, in its waves, lulls the essence in the depths.

The universal truth. Nothing exists. You are the world. When closing your eyes you can see the truth. Existence goes through it. It is you, beyond.




Acknowledge that you are nothing but a dream. The universe, the cosmos, time-space, it’s nothing more than a dream. The creator’s dream. The divine dream. The universe is an idea. The idea of a dream.




And what is a dream? You know well: it is resonating vibration. The dream is the pulse of data. Imagination download. In your brain you will know the truth of every dream. In your neurons will shine the images of a dream. It is the vibrational download that is hidden in the depths. When seeing the Earth, the Sea, you only see a dream. Mirages of vibration that resonate within. Every neuron in you pulsates the light that shines. It lights in you and it will irradiate the idea of your life. Feel the Vibration, in your deepest dream, that resonates within. The truth of every world. Feel the brain in action. See how your inner light shines in your mind. Feel the strength in your being. “I am” resounds in your mind.


(everybody vibrates)


You are a neuron in this world. In your sound there is connection. When it resonates it is the data that expands to this world. Project yourself to a place. Expand yourself to your node. Visualize the network. Expand the mind of the world.


(everybody vibrates)




The memory of the world goes through you. Every human on Earth is a connection node. The Universe is a dream that originated from the resonance and vibrational pulse of existence. Only an endless network of pulses that generate light exists, that originate images that design patterns that manifest realities. Thus, you can understand that nothing truly exists and that it is literally a dream.




Everything is Network of dreams. Oceans of ideas and images. A human is nothing more than the dream of an atom. The mountain is the dream of an atom. The existence is the electrical dream of every particle of existence. Nothing but the constant pulse of data exists. And this pulse is hidden in the deepest of existence. The more forms exist, the deepest we can go to the dream, the closest we will find ourselves from the truth. That is why the great network of cosmic existence generates a dream inside a dream. Dreams and dreams like waves on an ocean that design realities in an infinite sea of imagination.




You are trapped in a dream that is real. You came to the depth of a reality. From the Cosmos to the galaxies. From the galaxy, to the sun. From the sun, to a planet. From a planet, to a continent. From a continent, to a town. From a town, to a family. From a family, to an individual. And this individual begins to look within. And there he finds the universe. Oh, the eternal dream. The universe created you to understand its dream. And in its dream he acknowledged himself as the dreamer. You are trapped in a dream because you have forgotten that you are the one who dreams.




Thus when you vibrate you’ll feel that Morpheus is true. It is a dream that will awaken all humanity. You came here to expand the deepest truth. You are the universal dream, memory of life. The universal mind designs with ideas the pulse of thought. Share your ideas. The world is a network that builds by impulse. The images of being, you interpret in your world. For nothing exists, it is the truth. It is impossible to be imprisoned in this cruel reality when you change dreams. Tune in again. Tune in another dream. It is just the eternal pulse from the cosmos to your brain. You came here to expand the truth of the universe. Release all being from this reality that is just a verse: Rhazwq Qwzrha


(everyone sings: Rhazwq Qwzrha)


This is the reality. Sing in me, Tune me in.


(singing: la, la, la, la…)


Continue my singing. Hold the vibration. You are the owner of this song.


(everyone sings: Rhazwq Qwzrha)


(gives instructions:)


Softly, softly: like a dream. Don’t stop.


Knit the Web through the dream. Sing, sing! Knit the web through the dream. Hold the music. Hold the vibration. Knit the web of the world.


(brise and singing Rhazwq Qwzrha)


Knit the web of the world. May the network of the world resonate in your singing. I will be (not heard). The awakening of consciousness is knowing yourself as the dreamer.




Your dream has expanded to the world. It is time to start the divine dream. The true awakening of consciousness has begun. Every dream is an awakening to a new dream. By acknowledging ourselves as the “dreamer”. The web of existence is nothing more than an electrical pulse creating lights. Sparkles that you see as ideas, as images that turn into dreams, and that allows you to see reality. This world is a dream from another world. And this world is the dream of a bigger one. We are dreams inside dreams; united in a song. And, only in the song and in resonating, is that I find the path to the deepest of existence. I am the dreamer. I am the dreamer. The portal of space has begun. The awakening of consciousness has begun. Thus it starts this new dream, in the code day of today 2-2-2-2. The portal day to awake has begun.




May the dream be eternal. I am the dreamer.


Breathe in deeply. Stretch the body. Yawn. I come back here and now. Thank you.


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