The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.



The doors have opened. The dimensions have expanded. The universe has manifested. The mother has delivered the sacred heart, and we’ve ascended to the portal of light. It is the moment, then, of expanding the force of the origin of all existing things. What is the origin of all things? The origin is the void. The void is the most difficult concept to board for a living being that lives its existence from beliefs, experiences, previous paths; that is always waiting for something quietly, and builds from pre established foundations.


There is nothing new in this world; everything repeats itself. It simply changes its shape. It is difficult to understand the origin of something that has no origin. When we speak of beginning something new, a new land, a new humanity, it will never be new. You have to let go of the expectation of starting something different from what you already know. This world is an eternal cycle; it is a constant repetition. Thousands of years have passed. Maybe for you things are very different, but for those of us who are not humans, those who go through all existences, we can see that you are just a simple regrouping of the same system. You are just cells in constant replication. Nothing is new. Your body, here present, responds to the first cell’s mandates. And the first cells respond to the mandates of the first elements; the basic elements of creation. You are simply a complex lattice of a system that is decided. There is nothing new that you can do. There is no origin. There is nothing that you can turn to, to create something new. Everything already exists. There is only one place where the new truly has a space: the void. That’s the reason why the system eliminates you over and over again. Maybe it’s a cruel reality, a painful truth to hear. But there is a truth: the force of creation arises in the instant of the first exclusion. Everything else is simply an echo. All existing things are an echo of an expansive force that emerged from an origin.


The origin arises from the previous destruction of a system. For that, you need to break, you need destruction and a restart. Every time that something new emerges all previous is eliminated, for the system searches a start point for expansion so that the force can create all things. That is why you need to experience the void. That’s why, those who start the path of consciousness, need to fall into the void; get lost in

oblivion, lose their faith. That’s why your soul breaks. The soul is nothing more than a data set that holds expectations. When the soul breaks, there is void. When you have nothing to hold on to, in that instant you discover your true strength. Remember, in your life, that instant that you lost everything. What was that instant? Remember that moment of emptiness, where nothing made sense.


Our bodies are horrified and are scared of this truth. You are used to being the echoes of existence, and you are afraid of being the origin of sound. That’s why you get trapped over and over again in this system. Why are you afraid or returning to the origin? Returning to the origin is not returning home. It’s not home. Returning to the origin is the void. Nothingness, the nonsense. Nothing is real. Do you remember? Remember. Only your thoughts exist. For that you hold on to ideas and beliefs, for without them you have lost everything. There no longer is a reference point in the void without the idea of who you are. And the truth is that you can only be when you cease to exist. You don’t exist. You are not real. Break the soul, go beyond the system. The great crisis of the void is the only one capable of taking you to the true origin of all things. This is the consciousness that you have to give to the world; for in front of the great crises that are coming, many people will forget who they are. They will fall into the void and they will need a pleasant look that reminds them that it is from the void that you can create. Yes. You can do it, if nothing is felt. However it is much more than the Whole. Remember the void. Go through the feeling of loss and loneliness. Do you remember that moment when you felt alone? where you thought that you were the only one in existence capable of feeling? Do you remember the moment where everything lost its logic and meaning? When you felt that you lost your faith and stopped loving? when you felt cheated? when you had to leave everything to become someone new? You usually remain in pain, and don’t go deeper. An advice is that, if you are going to be fractals of this world, you have the courage the next time you feel the void, take the leap, and there you will find the creative force. Remember.


At the beginning in the void, only the dream existed. The dream: the creative mind, origin of all powers. In the core, the force of creation, the engines of existence are ignited. The void is nothing more than the pressure of all the forces. The origin is nothing more than the liberation of all forces. It is essential, to find the inner strength of every aspect in this world, return to the origin, to its void. Under the great pressure of the world is where its potencies are discovered. That is the reason why only under great pressure our potentials are enlightened. Feel the pressure of the world. Your inner world lives under pressure. The atmosphere is pressure. Gravity is pressure. The weight, the heat you feel is pressure. You are a rock being molded under great pressure. When there is no movement to be done, when nothing remains, when everything returns to be, then the force of creation emerges like a volcano. From there you have to expand the creation of this world that lies hidden in the inner pressure. Become, then, your node projected to the origin of each one. This is the time to imagine yourself there, converted into the land you represent. And from there, release its force. The potency.


Project yourself into all existing things, to the echoes of existence. Remember that every object of this world is an eco of the origin. Containing the force itself. The same force of a sun is found in the simplicity of a cell. The potency to generate a plant is the same that a sun needs to shine. All things have the force of an origin. Acknowledge this great truth, and thus stop looking for an outside force to awaken inside. In each one of your cells you can find the potential of the cosmos. You only have to let go the belief of who you are to truly be from the void. In this instant, think about every object, every matter in this world, and take my truth to each one of its nodes. Take the potency to all existing things. Expand the network to the world and remind all the objects of this planet about this great truth: I Am.


I Am the origin of the force of all things.

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