The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.

We were guided to be in our bodies. To feel & acknowledge our bodies. To thank our bodies because if it wasn’t for our bodies, we wouldn’t be right where we are.


We were then guided to acknowledge our ancestors & connect with them. To acknowledge & connect with our parents & thank them. Because if it wasn’t for any of them, we wouldn’t be here now.


We took many deep breaths, then began to sing in tones.


Bits from when Matías was channeling:


“Do you wonder why you feel sad, anger, hate? It is because you are on a dark planet. How can you experience the light on a dark planet? By being the light. If you say you are of the light, then you must bring the light to this Earth. Bring Heaven on Earth.


Love your Evil. Every time darkness appears, receive it with a hug. When you fight, it will fight back. When you run, it will follow you. Integrate the darkness with love.”


Then, messages were shared regarding the planetary task of bringing new light/higher information from the cosmos down to the Earth. He, then, said something along the lines of “do you realize what you are doing? Are you really ready to be the light? Are you willing to allow what needs to come through? Let go of all expectations.”


Before the groups connected to the nodes, we were told to introduce ourselves (“I AM first & last name”), then introduce ourselves as our nodes (“I AM node”).


We connected to our nodes & connected to all dimensions. We received from the heavens & spreaded all the information onto our nodes.


We continued to sing in tones. Different notes for each dimension. A key to connect to every perspective of the creation. After we finished the last tones of the ninth dimension Matías, channeling, was singing the words, “we are the angels of the light!”.


Towards the end, we sang our mantra. Then, each group sang their letter in harmony (Y, BH, then TH).


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