The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.

Academic Courses

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Aug 31, 2024



Matías engages in a dialogue with his inner self about theTetrahedron, considering it the primordial source of existence and themanifestation of the sacred trinity: Vibration, Energy, and Matter,which are reflected in various dimensions of human and cosmic reality.This trine pattern is seen within himself as thought, feeling, andaction. Matías unravels how this pattern projects across differentdimensions and how, at its essence, the trinity unites in a fourthpoint: the Tetrahedron. Each face of the Tetrahedron expresses atrinity, and by multiplying them, a total of eight, plus the unity atthe center, is obtained: the Merkabah. This represents the union of twoforces, one positive and one negative, both radiating from the heart,whose energy generates light, a symbol of the integration of themultidimensional self. The dialogue concludes with the recognition thatby adopting the form of the Tetrahedron, one aligns with all aspects oftheir divine being in the cosmos.


"By adopting the form of the Tetrahedron, you ignite the inner fire,integrate all aspects of your multidimensional self, and align with thecosmic divinity that resides within you."

EXERCISES (added as meditation exercises):

  1. Trinity Meditation: Begin each day with a meditationthat reminds you of the trinity of vibration, energy, and matter. Feelhow you vibrate with your thoughts, how you radiate energy with yourfeelings, and how you act in the material world. Strive to maintain abalance between these three aspects throughout the day.

  2. Tetrahedron Visualization: During moments of calmthroughout the day, visualize a Tetrahedron in your mind. Imagine howthe four points come together in unity and how they project into alldimensions of your life. Observe how the faces of the Tetrahedronrepresent different aspects of your being.

  3. Merkabah Meditation: Set aside time each day tovisualize the Merkabah, the union of the positive and negative forcesemerging from your heart. Feel the vibration of these two fires, onepink-red and the other blue-cyan, and how their union generateslight.

Remember that consistent practice and patience are key in anymeditation journey. I hope these exercises aid you on your spiritualpath.


Aug 30, 2024


In an internal reflection, Matías prepares for a new beginning.Unlike his usual emotional intensity, he feels calm and stable, a changethat reflects his inner transformation. His inner self advises him tostop being an inconsistent pendulum and become a firm obelisk, being anaxis of balance in his world. While facing his doubts about hiscontribution to humanity and his own future, he is reminded that he is adivine spark, ready to ignite the fire of the spirit and dispel shadowswith his authenticity and originality.


"Stop being a pendulum in a changing world, become a firm obelisk,and in the fire of your spirit, you will find your authenticity andlight to dissipate the shadows."


  1. Daily Meditation: Dedicate time each day tomeditation. It can help you find your center and become a "firm obelisk"amidst constant change. During meditation, focus on your breath and thesensation of being rooted in the present.

  2. Practice Authenticity: Try to be true to yourself inevery interaction and decision each day. Notice moments when you'retempted to act in a way that doesn't align with your true feelings orvalues and instead choose to act from a place of authenticity.

  3. Gratitude Journal: Keep a gratitude journal whereyou write down something you're grateful for each day. This can helpmaintain an attitude of appreciation towards life, even in the midst ofchange and challenges.

  4. Self-Reflection: Set aside time for reflecting onyour contributions to humanity and your community. Identify areas whereyou'd like to grow and set goals to achieve that growth.

  5. Release Exercise: Identify anything in your lifethat you feel is holding you back or limiting your growth. It could be arelationship, a job, or even a thought pattern. Imagine releasing thisthing and allow yourself to feel the freedom and space it creates inyour life.

  6. Ignite Your Inner Fire: Make a list of things thatignite your "inner fire" and passions. Make a conscious effort toincorporate more of these things into your daily life.


Aug 26, 2024


Matías embarks on a journey of self-discovery, encountering fourspiritual teachers and learning profound truths about existence. Throughthese lessons, he seeks to activate the Planetary Consciousness Network.He finds a deep love, which later disappears, leading him to a greaterunderstanding of himself. In the end, he realizes that his mission isnot to seek an external purpose but to explore the essence of ""I Am.""His work is to help others resonate with this frequency, connecting thePlanetary Consciousness Network through the ""I Am"" of eachindividual.


""The true mission does not lie in seeking an external purpose but inexploring and resonating with the essence of 'I Am,' thus connecting usto the Planetary Consciousness Network.""


  1. Gratitude Meditation: Matías suggests that gratitudecan bring peace and happiness. Start your day by thinking about threethings you are grateful for. They can be big or small things, fromhealth and family to a book you enjoy or your morning coffee. Make thisexercise a daily habit.

  2. Cultivate Humility: Look for ways to practicehumility in your daily life. Remember, no one knows everything, and weall have something to learn from others. Accept mistakes, ask for helpwhen you need it, and actively listen to others.

  3. Find Your Purpose: Reflect on what truly makes youfeel fulfilled and purposeful. This may require some introspection andself-analysis. Once you have clarity, try to incorporate that activityinto your daily life as much as possible.

  4. Conscious Breathing Exercise: Matías talks about theimportance of being present and aware. Conscious breathing is a greatway to practice this. Dedicate a few minutes each day to focus solely onyour breath, feeling each inhalation and exhalation.

  5. Practice Generosity: Generosity is not only aboutgiving material objects but also giving your time, love, understanding,and support. Look for ways to be generous in your daily life.


Aug 4, 2024


(August 3, 2020)


The Icosahedron is the structure that represents the 12 mountainsascending to the heavens in search of the stars and the centers thatelevate the vibration of the world. Inside it lie the 20 creativeaspects, the fractals. Each of the 12 nodes ascends, while the 20 facesdescend towards the Earth like a mirror reflecting infinitely towardsthe center. From one side, it appears like a tornado or a spiral,displaying the multidimensionality of the sphere. This creativepotential resides within each of us, in our ability to create throughart, music, biology, and architecture. Activating the Icosahedron meansactivating our potential to become divinities, to bring Heaven to Earth.To achieve this, we must seek coherence, ensuring that our body is inharmony with the environment, our soul with its history, and our mindwith our thoughts. Ignite the 20 flowers, spread the pollen of yourcreations, and recognize your connection with the divine fractal.


"Activating the Icosahedron is activating our potential to bringHeaven to Earth, to become Divinities."


  1. Icosahedron Visualization: Close your eyes andvisualize an Icosahedron in front of you. Observe its 20 triangularfaces and visualize how each one descends towards the center of theEarth like an infinite mirror. Breathe deeply as you hold this image inyour mind, allowing it to connect you with the infinite creativepossibilities that reside within you.

  2. Harmonic Breathing: Sit in a comfortable positionand focus on your breath. With each inhalation, imagine that you arebreathing in harmony and balance into your body, mind, and spirit. Witheach exhalation, release any tension or blockages you may feel. Repeatthis process several times, allowing harmonic breathing to fill you withpeace and serenity.

  3. Hands and Feet Meditation: Become aware of yourhands and feet, recognizing the five fingers of each. Visualize thateach of your fingers represents one of the geometric shapes of theIcosahedron (Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, andIcosahedron) or the senses (Vision, Taste, Touch, Hearing, and Smell).With each breath, send love and gratitude to your hands and feet,acknowledging the creative power that resides within them.

  4. Integration Mantra: Choose a mantra or affirmationthat helps you integrate the aspects of your being. For example, you canrepeat "I integrate my body, mind, and spirit in harmony" or "I am adivine fractal in constant creation." Repeat this mantra for a fewminutes, allowing it to infuse into your being and remind you of yourcapacity to be a channel of divinity.

  5. Meditation in Motion: You can take the meditationpractice beyond stillness and apply it to your daily activities. Whiledoing tasks like cooking, walking, or exercising, maintain mindfulattention to each movement and breath. Observe how your body becomes avehicle of creative expression and recognize that you are manifestingthe potential of the Icosahedron in your everyday life.

Remember to adapt these exercises to your personal preferences andneeds. Regular meditation practice will help you connect with yourdeeper self, awaken your creative potential, and live in harmony withthe universe around you.


Aug 4, 2024


(August 3rd)


Matías engages in an introspective dialogue with a spiritual entityhe had previously denied. The entity guides him towardsself-understanding, reminding him that his past experiences and losseswere actually paths to self-discovery. It emphasizes that the truemessage he carries is universal, and he is simply its messenger. Despitehis concerns about interpreting the message, Matías eventually acceptsthe presence and wisdom of the entity, understanding that we are allpart of a unified consciousness network.


""We are all simply fractals of this Network. Be free, be who youshould be. My gift is my presence. It is to remind you that I am you andyou are me.""


  1. Meditation of I AM: In a quiet place, close youreyes and breathe deeply. As you exhale, repeat mentally ""I AM."" As youinhale, imagine filling yourself with light and love. As you exhale, letgo of all your worries and fears. Do this for 10-15 minutes eachday.

  2. Practice of Self-Acceptance: During meditation,recall your past experiences and challenges. As you do, focus on howthese experiences have led you to be who you are today. Allow anyfeelings to arise and accept them. Remember that you are a messenger ofyour own life and embrace every part of yourself.

  3. Meditation of Universal Connection: Sit in silence,close your eyes, and visualize a network of light connecting all livingbeings. See yourself as a point in this network, connected to everyoneelse. Feel how your energy and love flow into the network and how theenergy and love from the network flow into you.

  4. Meditation of an Open Heart: Sit comfortably andplace a hand on your heart. Imagine a door in your heart. Visualizeyourself opening it and letting the light in. As you exhale, imaginethis light spreading throughout your body, filling you with love andpeace.

These meditation exercises can help you cultivate greaterself-acceptance, a sense of unity with the universe, and open your heartto love and understanding. Remember, consistent practice is key toeffective meditation.

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