Second and final level of the Akashic Records course
In this stage, we will deepen our connection with our channel of Light, exploring sacred healing tools that will allow us to become true bridges of light between the celestial realms and Earth. These tools will not only elevate our own vibration as conscious channels of light, but also empower us to guide others in their process of healing and spiritual awakening.
As we experienced in the first level, accessing the Akashic Records envelops us in pure love and divine peace, leading us to greater presence and harmony in every moment. Now is the time to live from that deep coherence, staying aligned, and dedicating ourselves in loving service to those seeking the light on their path.
Second Version of Opening the Akashic Records
Personal Inner Work
Sacred Geometry
Akashic Numerology
Points of Grace
DNA Activation
Healing Through Water
Having completed Level I of Akashic Records at Heal in Therapies
You will receive the material 48 hours before the course. The material is: booklet, mantras and meditations
You will have to do daily homework during the course.
ARS $180.000